Page 34 of Gabbriello Deluca

“We have a bigger problem.” Mariano turned his laptop towards Gabbriello before Nicholas could reply. “I contacted our guy who works at the casino. I told him we were trying to find out any information on an employee that was killed and if she had a connection with Big D. He looked at the footage from the last week and this is what he found.”

Gabbriello stared at the screen. The footage was from the camera right in front of the entrance to Big D’s office. After a few seconds, they saw Big D unlock his office door with someone close behind. Big D walked into his office and the other person turned to close the door behind them. Mariano paused the video, giving Gabbriello a perfect view of the individual’s face. Entering Big D’s office was Samantha, a few hours before her death.

“What the fuck?” Gabbriello looked up at Jeffrey, who was sitting at the table next to Nicholas. “Why was Samantha at Big D’s?”

Jeffrey shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m just as surprised as you. I literally do not know. I didn’t even know they knew each other.”

Gabbriello glared at the screen again. “Do you think he was using Samantha to get to us?”

“That’s what I think. It only makes sense. I mean, why would she be there if she didn’t have any intention of betraying us?” Nicholas said.

“This doesn’t make any sense. She didn’t really know anything. She wouldn’t betray me.” Jeffery shook his head feverously.

“I’m going to have to pay him another visit.” Gabbriello stood. “But first, I need to think about how I’m going to handle this situation.” He walked towards the door. “I want all of you to meet me here at twelve o’clock. “I’m going to breakfast.”

“Is it with that FBI bitch?” Nicholas asked.

Gabbriello closed the gap between them and grabbed Nicholas by his throat and slammed him against the wall. “Who I fuck and eat with is none of your business. You are getting a pass today, but it will be the last time I remind you of your tone.” Gabbriello released him as he gasped for air. “Meet me here at twelve.”

“Boss, I’m only looking out for you and the business. We don’t need that kind of heat,” Nicholas said as he rubbed his throat.

Gabbriello looked at his men. “I will handle the situation.” Gabbriello assured his men. “I’m going to confront her today and don’t worry, if she doesn’t give me the right answers, I’ll kill her myself.”


The Breakfast Bar Cafe was a weekly tradition for Gabbriello’s family when he was young. The old-fashioned atmosphere of the diner, with the smell of eggs and burnt coffee, kept the Deluca family returning time and time again.

Gabbriello opened the door for Layla and allowed her to walk in first so that he could get another good look at her from behind. The khaki pants she wore hugged her ass nicely. And the black tank top with a black and white checkered flannel top polished off her casual look. It was one of the options Gabbriello had his staff bring for Layla to choose from. Gabbriello instructed the waitress to seat them at one of his favorite tables, along the outer perimeter of the diner next to the window, where they had a perfect view of the outside, the front door, and the rest of the cafe. Whenever Gabbriello went to a restaurant, he always sat where he had a clear view of the doorway.

“This used to be my favorite restaurant as a kid. I love their waffles and pancakes.”

Layla glanced over the menu that was already out on the table for them. “I’m not a fan of pancakes, but I love waffles and probably could eat my weight in bacon.” She said with a smile.

“That might be interesting to see,” Gabbriello smirked.

The waitress, a middle-aged plump lady with a lot of makeup and her red hair up in a large bun, approached their table with a coffeepot in her hand. Without asking, she filled the empty mugs resting on the table. “Hi, kids. How are we doing this morning? What can I get started for you?”

“I’ll take your waffle breakfast with bacon,” Gabbriello said without looking at the menu.

“Sure thing.” She wrote the order on her small memo pad.

Layla scanned the menu. “I’m going to have the chicken and waffles breakfast.”

The two handed her the menus.

She smiled at them. “I’ll have that right out for you guys.”

“Can we also have two orange juices?” Gabbriello asked.

“Absolutely.” She gave them a nod and walked away.

“So,” Layla’s tone turned serious. “Do you have any idea of who killed Samantha yet?”

Gabbriello shook his head. “No, not yet. I’m working on it though. There’s a guy that doesn’t like my family. He lives in the Northeast, and I found out this morning that Samantha visited him the night before she died. I don’t know what for, but it’s possible he killed her to get back at my family.” Gabbriello was careful to give only the information he wanted her to know. He wanted to gauge her reaction.

Among the many questions Layla had, she strategically chose her next question to see his response. “Why doesn’t he like your family?”

“More money, more problems. When you’re wealthy, you constantly have people trying to take what’s yours. He’s an egotistical maniac that doesn’t like that I was more successful in obtaining a few properties that he was interested in.” Gabbriello explained.