Page 3 of Gabbriello Deluca

“I don’t understand G, why don’t we just go in and kill all those mutherfuckers?” Rinaldo asked.

“Because we need to set the tone. We need to let them know that if they ever fuck with the Deluca family that their grandchildren with feel the effects of their decisions.” Gabbriello knew this solidify the Deluca name. He needed to show his father and all the men in the family that he could run Philadelphia and surrounding areas. “Trust me Rinaldo, we will send a powerful message and you will have the satisfaction of killing all those fuckers that played a part and killing Carmine.”

Gabbriello grabbed Rinaldo by the back of the head and pulled his forehead to his. “Do you trust me?”

Rinaldo narrowed his eye at Gabbriello. “Yes, like my life depended on it.”

“Good,” Gabbriello said as he released Rinaldo's head and patted him on the back. “Now let’s go get these mutherfuckers.”

Gabbriello was young, but his maturity and intelligence were far beyond his years. He was born into this lifestyle and being in the mafia was in his blood and part of who he was. It was all he knew, and he knew if given the opportunity, he could lead his family and make them very rich.

Gabbriello was smart enough to hold his own in a room full of professionals and ruthless enough to kill a man would disrespect him. Taking care of the Russians who killed Carmine would show his father that he was a leader. He looked over at Rinaldo. He needed him to understand that they not only needed to kill these men but send a message to not only the Russians, but to everyone in the DeLuca family so that there was never a question about his ability to lead.

After getting permission, Gabbriello had his men follow the Russian and note their routine. The word around town was it they had taken out a member of the Deluca family and there had been no repercussions.

Gabbriello smiled because he knew before this week was over, everyone in the tri-state area would know that DeLucas were not the family you want to fuck with.

Gabbriello got back information and pictures from his men. He focused on the pictures he received. “This one,” he said as he pointed to one of the men in the pictures. “We start with him,” Gabbriello said.

“Do you want us to snatch him?” one of his men asked.

“No, I want to handle this differently.”

* * *

Gabbriello knew that all those men involved in this shooting were all brothers who moved to the States when they were young with their father, Igor Barinov. Igor had been a low-level drug dealer in Russia. He moved his family to the US and was trying to make him a name for himself and his sons. The Gabbriello’s father knew about them but didn’t consider them a threat. They dealt a small number of drugs and had a few women that they brought here from Russia. He found out the women were being held against their will as sex slaves.

Gabbriello had one of his men befriend one of Barinov’s women and, for the right price, she gave them all the information she had. They gave the woman a stack of money and told her they would guarantee her freedom if she helped them.

She was frightened, but she agreed to become their eyes and ears on the inside. She told Gabbriello’s man about the brutality she and the other women endured. They were beaten regularly and forced to do despicable things for money, which the Barinov men took. All the women were forced to sleep in one room that had bunk beds and only allowed to leave when they had customers.

Gabbriello heard about the way these women were being treated he was going to make sure they all die a painful death. He put his plan in motion. Now, all that was left to do was to get Pavel Barinov to take the bait. Pavel was a middle son but had the biggest mouth and Gabbriello believed the least amount of heart.


Pavel spotted the blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty as soon as she walked into the club. She said at the bar and ordered a drink. Just as Gabbriello suspected, it didn't take long for him to approach.

“Hey beautiful lady, why are you here by yourself?” His accent was strong, but his English was good.

The woman turned and looked at him. “I won’t be by myself for long. I'm waiting for a friend.”

“Do you mind if I wait with you?”

“That's not necessary, she'll be here in a few minutes.”

Pavel’s arrogance was apparent as he ignored her response, sat next to her and ordered himself a drink, as well as another drink for her. “I've never seen you in here before,” he said.

“That's because I've never been in here before,”

“What's your name?” he asked as he licked his lips.

“Vicki and I'm not interested,” she said as she took a sip of her drink.

“Don't be like that. We're just sitting here talking,” he whispered in her ear.

A few seconds later, her phone rang. “Really, I'm here already. Okay, take care of yourself. I'll call you tomorrow,” Vicki said before ending the call and letting out a breath. She drained her glass. “Take care of yourself,” Vicki she said as she stood.

“Wait, have another drink with me. The night is still young,” he said with a smirk.