Page 27 of Gabbriello Deluca

“I don’t really want to go back to my parents’ house,” Layla said as she looked at the time and noticed how late it was.

“Why not?” Gabbriello asked.

Layla averted his gaze and shrugged. “It’ll just remind me of Samantha, and I don’t want people in my family to be awkward, like they have to walk on eggshells.” She said honestly.

“I get that,” he remembered when the love of his life, Miranda died and how his family paid attention to him more after the incident. “You’re more than welcome to stay in that hotel room. It’s on me, and you don’t have to go back to your parents until you’re ready.”

Layla shook her head. “No, I can’t ask for a favor like that.”

“It’s not a favor. I’m offering.”

If he is offering, would one night really be so bad? Maybe that is what I need. A night away from my house, my job, and my family. A night where I can clear my mind and process Samantha’s death on my own.

Before Layla can think, her lips did the talking. “Okay, thank you. I’ll take you up on that.”

“Great, I’ll walk you up.” Gabbriello said as he rose to his feet.

“You don’t have to do that.” Layla responded as she stood.

“I want to,” Gabbriello pushed in his chair, placed his hand at the base of her back and guided her to the elevator.

Layla studied him as they walked. Gabbriello’s dark eyes capitalize on mystery and intrigue. He was shielding his mind from her like he knew one of her specialties was reading people. The looks he gave her went straight to her soul. The only man that ever came close to giving her that look was an old boyfriend she had. It was her first long-term relationship, but they broke up five years ago after Layla walked in on him having sex with one of his coworkers.

They made their way into the elevator. As the doors close, Gabbriello pushed the button for the tenth floor. The elevator lifted upward.

“I had a great time tonight,” Gabbriello said, breaking the silence.

“I did too.” She actually enjoyed it far more than she had expected. “Thank you for all you did for me today. I can’t remember the last time someone showed me as much kindness as you did.”

Gabbriello shook his head and held up a hand. “No need to thank me. I now understand why you came into the club and I’m sorry for my employees’ behavior, I assure you I took care of if.”

Layla’s throat tightened.

What does he mean by that?

“Hope you didn’t hurt them on my account?”

Gabbriello looked directly in her eyes. “No, they weren’t hurt on your account.”

I punished them because no one hurts anyone in my club without my permission.

Silence filled the air as the elevator let out a ding and the doors slid open.

As they stepped off the elevator, Layla turned to him and smiled before she continued to walk down the hall, but said nothing. They stopped in front of her suite and faced each other. His eyes held her stare like a prisoner sentenced to life without parole. He was standing directly in front of her. His stature of well over six feet towered over Layla, who was normally five foot seven inches but, in heels, she was almost six feet. His stance, his smell, everything about this man screamed sex, and Layla’s defenses were weakening.

Gabbriello knew by far, Layla was the sexiest woman he had ever met. She didn’t give him the satisfaction of surrendering herself to him, not yet. She was a strong-willed woman and he admired that. For the first time in his life, he didn’t want to play games. He didn’t want to see how long it took for her to ask him to go down on her. Instead, he pictured them together having raw, passionate sex with no pretenses. He didn’t want this to be a one-night stand where they fucked and never see each other again. No, this was something different and he couldn’t put his finger on what that was. He just knew that the natural chemistry between them was real, and he wanted to explore that.

“Thank you again for dinner,” Layla said just above a whisper.

“It was my pleasure. I…,” Gabbriello paused, his voice was deep and seductive. “Layla, I want to see you again and I don’t know if you would call this a date or not.”

“It was,” Layla responded quickly, before he continued. “It was a date.”

He gave her a slight smile. “Good, I know that you have a lot going on, but I would like to see you again. I don’t date at all, but I am willing to make an exception for you.”

“I guess I should consider myself lucky,” she smirked. Layla paused for a moment, wondering if she should continue the conversation or go to bed. “I don’t know if it would be a good idea for us to go out again.”

“Why not?” his eyebrow raised as if he were insulted.