Page 59 of Fire and Silk

“Fuck, you drive me wild,” he groans into my ear. “Don’t move a fucking muscle,” he commands, jumping out of the shower. I shiver at the loss of his heat, my eyes locked on his bare body as he pulls open the cabinet beneath the sink and retrieves a box of condoms.

“What the... Do you have those things everywhere?”

“I’m nothing if not prepared.” He winks, pulling one out of the box before ripping the wrapper open. The shower glass has started to fog over, obstructing my view a little, but not so much that I can’t see him as he slides the condom over his thick erection.

My entire body zings in anticipation as he reenters the shower.

I haven’t moved from the spot where he left me, not even an inch.

“She does know how to follow instructions.”

“Only when I want to.”

I yelp when he lays a smack to my ass cheek. Not hard, but hard enough to startle me.

“Hands on the glass.”

I do as he says.

“Spread your legs wider.”

Again, I do as he says.

“Now brace yourself.”

That one I don’t have time to comply with before he enters me in one swift motion.

All the air leaves my lungs, the way he fills me leaving room for nothing else.

He doesn’t wait for me to adjust to his size before he begins to move. Pressing me harder against the glass, I feel his hand snake around the front of my throat as he takes me hard from behind. So hard that tears sting the backs of my eyes. The pleasure and pain is a deadly concoction that has my entire body seizing within minutes.

I didn’t realize just how gentle he had been with me last night until this moment. And as much as I loved the soft intimacy, I think I might love this even more. Raw passion.

We don’t have to love each other. Hell, we don’t even have to like each other. Because this isn’t about feelings. This is about fucking. This is about getting out all of our frustrations in a healthy way that won’t end up with one of us dead.

Because let’s be real, sometimes I want to kill him. And I know for damn sure sometimes he’d like to kill me. Because that’s what happens when you put two strong willed, dominate people together. They clash over power. But right now, I’m not fighting for control. Right now, I’m more than happy to let him take the lead. Because I have the feeling after the day he’s had, he needs it more than I do.


“TELL ME WHAT HAPPENEDtoday,” I whisper into the darkness. I’m fairly certain he’s asleep.

Shortly after we climbed into bed, he fell silent and has remained that way for several long minutes, his breathing even, his body still.

“I already told you.” His voice startles me because I wasn’t expecting an answer. “We were ambushed.”

“No, I know that. But tell meexactlywhat happened.” He shifts next to me but I can’t make out anything but his form. “As in the details.”

“Fuck.” He blows out a breath. “It all happened so fast, I don’t know that I can really tell you more than I already have.”

“Were you scared?”

He snorts. “It takes a lot more than three assholes with guns to scare me.”

“Shut up.” I roll to the side so that I’m facing him. Reaching my hand up, I find the curve of his jaw in the dark and run my fingers gently through the short facial hair lining it. “If three people were shooting at me, I’d be terrified.”

“That’s because it hasn’t happened to you countless times before.”

“Countless?” I let my hand fall to his chest, flattening my palm against his strong, steady heartbeat.