Page 39 of Fire and Silk


“MILA.” MY EYES SLIDEopen at the sound of my name. “Mila.” It sounds weird hearing it come from Mateo. I think it might be the first time he’s ever called me that.

I curl tighter into the comforter and keep my eyes closed. After I blew up on him earlier today, I decided hiding out in my room might be for the best. First Niko, then Mateo. I was on a roll today. If I keep going the way I am, one of them will likely put a bullet in my head just to shut me the hell up.

But that doesn’t make anything I said less true, even if it was said out of anger and frustration.

“I know you’re awake, little bird.” The bed dips under his weight as he sits on the edge. Letting out an audible sigh, he shifts, his hand coming to rest on my shoulder. Even though I do my best to stay still, my body can’t help but react to the contact, giving me away.

“What do you want, Mateo?” I grumble.

“I want you to come with me.”

His request has me rolling to my back and peering up at him.

“Where?” I eye him skeptically.

Unlike most days, he’s dressed casually. Dark jeans. A black V-neck shirt. Hair falling every which way. The ink on his arms on full display.

Despite everything, my heart still flutters in my chest at the sight of him.

Earlier today I had myself convinced that I was starting to develop a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome. What else could explain the way my feelings have shifted? I went from fearing him, to hating him, to craving him on a level I still don’t understand. And now I don’t know what I feel. I think that’s the problem... I don’t know how I feel, and in this situation I should. Ishouldhate him. So why, after everything, can I not find a shred of hatred in my heart for the beautiful, dangerous, unpredictable man sitting next to me?

“Out of this room, for starters.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.” I hold onto my anger, afraid that if I let it go I’ll be forced to face something I’m not ready to face.

“Are you purposely trying to make this harder for yourself?”

“Why would I do that when you make it plenty hard on me all on your own?”

“Look,” he blows out a slow breath, “I’m not good at this type of thing. I’m not a man that takes shit from anyone and if I want something, I take it. I don’t care if people fear me. Hell, Iwantthem to. But with you, I don’t know. But I’d like the chance to prove to you that I’m not the monster you think I am.”

“Why do you care what I think?”

“Honestly?” He grips the back of his neck. “I haven’t quite figured that out yet.”

I study him for a long moment.

“You realize that’s the second time you’ve said that to me.”

“And it probably won’t be the last. Because when it comes to you, there’s very little I have figured out.”

“Why?” He gives me an expectant look. “Let me guess, you haven’t figured that out either.”

“You’re catching on.” A small smile tips up the corners of his mouth. “What do you say? You want to get out of here?”

I think it over for a brief moment, and as much as I want to continue to play the angry victim and punish him for every move he makes, I can’t find it in me to do so.

“Fine.” I push back the covers before sitting up, throwing my legs over the bed when Mateo stands.

He takes both of my hands, pulling me to my feet, the nearness of our faces unsettling. On one hand, I want to press up on my toes and kiss him the way he kissed me. On the other, I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he has any type of effect on me.

The fact that kissing him even crossed my mind should be enough to have me questioning my sanity, yet the longer I stare up into his dark eyes, the stronger the urge becomes.

Get it together, Mila. This man kidnapped you. This man may very well end your life if this doesn’t go the way he wants. Just breathe.I give myself an internal pep talk, my resolve slowly sliding into place.

I’m the first to look away, quickly stepping around him as I head toward the bathroom where I left the sandals I was wearing earlier. I catch sight of my reflection as I enter, and while my hair is a wild mess of waves, I don’t look nearly as bad as I expected to.