Page 67 of Force of Gravity




It’s just after onein the morning. Atlas has been in his room since shortly after we got home and Brennon called it a night about an hour ago. Meanwhile, I’m lying here tossing and turning, trying like hell to get some sleep.

I don’t know what happened at the restaurant, what came over me. I just had this overwhelming urge to touch Atlas and I couldn’t stop myself. I wanted so badly to tear his clothes off the instant we walked into the apartment, but knowing that Brennon was not far behind us, neither of us made any attempt to finish what I had started. And trust me, my body can feel it. The lack of satisfaction. The deep ache in my lower belly that I get every time I think about all the ways Atlas has touched me over the last couple of days.

It all feels like a dream. Like I’m standing outside of my body watching myself. None of this seems real. Me. Atlas. Everything that’s happened. It’s like I’ve suddenly entered some alternate universe and everything is upside down.

I let out a slow sigh and roll to my side for what feels like the hundredth time in the last hour. Kicking the covers off of me, I immediately roll back onto my back, staring up at the dark ceiling.

Don’t do it.

I shake my head, trying to physically hold myself in place.

Don’t do it.

I just want to see if he’s awake. That’s it.

I sit up, tossing my legs over the side of the couch.

Don’t do it.

Just a quick peek and I’ll go right back to bed.

I stand, tiptoeing through the living room and down the hallway to where Atlas’s door is closed but not latched, giving me the smallest sliver of a glimpse into his dark room.

Turn around.

I keep trying to make myself stop, yet it’s like my body won’t allow it. Continuing to move on its own accord.

I push the door open painfully slow, holding my breath the entire time. Without checking to see if he’s awake or not, I turn, pushing the door closed just as slowly before clicking the lock into place.

I creep across his room at a snail’s pace, not able to see a foot in front of my face with how dark it is. Thankfully, I don’t kick or run into anything on my way to the far corner of the room where his bed is located.

Using my hands to feel around, I grab his blanket and pull it back before gently climbing into bed, cringing when the mattress creaks below my weight.

“Took you long enough,” I hear seconds before an arm snakes around my middle, pulling me toward the center of the bed.

“My apologies. I didn’t realize you were waiting on me.” I smile into the darkness when I feel his warm breath on my neck as he nuzzles his face into my hair.

“Guess you’re going to have to make it up to me.” He presses a kiss against my raging pulse.

“And how do you suggest I do that?” I roll onto my side so that we’re facing each other. “My brother sleeps with one eye open, and let’s be honest, you’re not exactly quiet,” I whisper, running a hand through his hair which I can only make out the silhouette of, before letting my fingers fall to his shoulder and lightly travel across his collarbone.

“I can think of a few ways.” I can’t see his face but I swear I can see his eyebrows shift up and down.

“I bet you can.” Curious about a comment he made when I first moved in, I let my hand drift further, letting out a little yelp when my fingers slide across his hard length. “You weren’t lying about the sleeping naked thing.”

“I rarely lie.” I can hear the smile in his voice.

“Now why do I find that hard to believe?” I ask, wrapping my hand around his thick erection. He lets out a slow hiss that I swear hits me right between my thighs.

“B...” He groans softly when I begin slowly pumping my hand up and down.

“Shhh.” I press a kiss to his lips. “You have to be quiet, remember?”