Page 65 of Force of Gravity

Normally, I wouldn’t think twice about sitting next to her but now I feel paranoid like Brennon is going to figure us out at any moment. So, instead of engaging her like I want to, I turn my attention to Rita.

“So, am I to understand that your name is actually Margarita?” I ask, having learned that from Barlow a few hours prior.

“It is.” She giggles, popping a fry into her mouth. “My parents love Mexican food and margaritas. In fact, it was a Wednesday tradition, Mexican and margaritas, when they first started dating and something they still do at least once a month. When I came along, I guess they just figured it was fitting. I’m just glad they didn’t name me fajita or tamale.”

“Here I was thinking they conceived you on a drunken night that involved margaritas,” I joke.

“You’ll have to excuse Atlas, everything is about sex with him,” Barlow interjects, taking a bite of her burger.

“It’s true,” Brennon agrees on a chuckle.

“What the fuck?” I lean back in the booth on a huff.

“Oh, calm down, princess,” Barlow pats my leg. “You can’t take offense to it if it’s true.”

“You’re just jealous because I have girls lining up and you can’t find a single guy that would go anywhere near what’s inside your pants,” I fire back, obviously just for show.

“Is that so?” It isn’t until her fingers dig into my leg that I realize her hand is still there. I freeze when she inches closer to my groin.

“Okay, that’s enough. I can’t eat and talk about what’s in my sister’s pants.” Brennon shakes his head, to which the entire table laughs.

“To revert back to what you said earlier, though,” Rita clarifies. “They also totally conceived me after a drunken night of margaritas.”

“Boom.” I slap the table. “I knew it.” I point to Brennon and then to Barlow, whose hand is now dangerously close to my growing erection.

“No one likes a gloat,” Barlow says almost bored, swirling a French fry through ketchup with one hand while the other reaches its destination. Her tiny fingers wrap around my now full erection and begin slowly tracing my length through the fabric of my pants.

It takes everything in me to keep what’s happening under the table from showing all over my fucking face. I pick up my burger and take a bite so big I’m pretty fucking certain I’m going to choke on it as I begin to chew, just to keep myself from groaning when her thumb brushes over the head of my cock.

Never in a million years did I think sweet, little Barlow was capable of such behavior. Then again, she’s been full of surprises these last couple of days. Guess it goes to show, no matter how well you think you know someone, you can never be too sure.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love this side of her. Watching her laugh and talk to her brother and friend like nothing is amiss, all while she’s practically jacking me off under the table. Okay, so that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but by the time we finish our food, she’s been touching me for so long I’m ready to explode.

“Everyone heading back to the apartment?” I ask, when Brennon announces we should probably call it a night.

A part of me is beyond relieved to get the hell out of here, the other part is sad to see this little game Barlow is playing end.

“I’m going to walk Rita back to her dorm. Think you can make sure this one gets home without murdering her along the way?” He hitches a thumb in his sister’s direction.

“I think I can manage.” I chuckle, draping my work polo in front of me as I exit the booth. I’m so fucking hard right now it’s borderline painful.

“And what if I murder him?” Barlow slides out behind me. “Would that be acceptable?” She gives her brother a sickly sweet smile.

“Hey.” I nudge her. “I thought we called a truce.”

“Doesn’t mean I don’t want to shove you off a bridge any less.” Her smile widens even further and fuck me if I don’t want to fuck that smart ass smirk right off her face.

“Now you see what I have to live with,” Brennon says to Rita on a long sigh.

“I’m going to go have Jane, at the bar, cash this out for me.” I hold our bill up between two fingers.

“Here, let me give you my money.” Barlow starts to unzip her clutch.

“No need.” I stop her. “This one’s on me,” I tell all three of them. “I’ll meet you at the door,” I speak directly to Barlow before turning to Brennon. “See you back at the apartment soon?”

“Yeah, I shouldn’t be too long.”

“Cool.” I nod, trying like hell to mask my disappointment as I turn and head toward the bar.