Page 42 of Force of Gravity




“Wait. Back up. Rewind. I need you to say all that again. I’m positive I didn’t hear you right. You mean to tell me that you kissed Atlas freaking Keaton...” Zoe’s voice is bordering on something betweendamn, I’m so proud of youandbitch, have you lost your damn mind.“And you’re just now telling me about it?”

“Technically, he kissed me,” I interject, having just informed my best friend of what happened between me and Atlas in the bathroom last weekend. Of course, I dulled it down to a simple kiss, not wanting to go into too much detail. “And it’s really not a big deal.”

“Not a big deal?” she practically squeals. “Not a big deal? Barlow, you realize what this means, right?” The question hangs between us for several beats before she continues, “That I was right.”

“Right about what?”

“Right about Atlas. I told you he has feelings for you. I’ve been saying it all along.”

“God, not this again.” I groan. “It was just a kiss. He didn’t profess his love or anything. It’s not like that.”

“If it’s not like that then why did it take you an entire week to tell me?”

“It’s not like I could call you whenever. I have class and work and when I’m at home either Brennon or Atlas is almost always here.”

“And where are they right now?”

“Work, I assume.” I pick at a loose string on the hem of my shirt. “They were both gone when I woke up just after eleven.”

“Uh huh. Now tell me the real reason you didn’t tell me sooner.” I can practically hear her eye roll through the phone.

I almost make another excuse.Almost. But with how well Zoe knows me, she’s not going to let me off the hook quite so easily.

“Because I was afraid of what you would think.”

It’s not the full truth, but it certainly isn’t a lie either. Part of itisbecause I was too mortified to admit out loud to another person that I, of all people, had fallen victim to Atlas Keaton’s charms. Sure, I can say that he forced my hand, that I did it to shut him up about Wes, but in that moment I wanted to kiss him. No matter how you spin it. Not that I would admit that in a million years to Zoe or anyone else. Though something tells me she already knows.

“Me? Really, Bar? You think I would judge you or something?” She seems mildly offended.

“Well, yeah,” I admit.

“I would like to think you know me better than that. I might tell you you’ve lost your mind, but it wouldn’t change the fact that I would be here for you and support you always. I just wanna understand what’s going on.”

“There’s nothing going on. It was just a stupid kiss. Atlas’s way of fucking with me simply because he could.”

I knew keeping this from her wasn’t the best choice because I can see how it might make it look like there’s more going on than there actually is. And truthfully, she wouldn’t be wrong for thinking so. Which is precisely why I haven’t breathed a word about last night where we almost kissed again. I’m already confused and embarrassed enough as it is.

“I swear, I wish I could reach through this phone and slap you a couple of times right about now. For being so smart, you’re incredibly stupid sometimes.”

“Um, gee, thanks.” I snort.

“You think he just decided on a whim he wanted to corner you in the bathroom and kiss you? No, money says he’s been wanting to do it for a very long time. That’s why when he saw the opportunity, he seized it. And you, my poor girl, played right into his hands.”

“You think he threatened to tell Brennon about Wes just so he could kiss me?” I don’t try to hide how ridiculous I find this notion.

Though I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t considered it. That night, after it happened, when I was lying on the couch unable to shut my brain off, I may have entertained the idea that he really did want to kiss me and it wasn’t some sick game of his. But then I came home to find him half naked with another girl the next day, so that kind of squashed any notions I had on the matter.

“I think there isn’t a chance in hell he would have ever told Brennon about Wes,” she says, matter of fact.

“Why do you say that?”

“Because that’s not Atlas’s style. I can’t see him throwing Wes to the wolves like that. Not after how close they all were in high school.”