Page 3 of Force of Gravity

“Felt like it would never end. Had I known it would be that brutal, I would have said fuck it and left my car in Boston.”

“You’ll be glad to have it though. It’ll beat taking the shuttle every day,” Brennon points out. “So, what do you think of the place?” He gestures around the room.

“Looks about like it did in the pictures.” Atlas nods in approval. “Honestly, dude, it could be a fucking shack and I’d be happy with it. Our first bachelor pad. How long have we talked about this? Just you and me. No parents. No rules. Doing whatever and whomever the fuck we want, whenever we want.”

I clear my throat as if to remind him that I’m still standing here. The last thing I want to think about iswhohe’ll be doing. Or who my brother will bedoing.Gag.

“Actually,” Brennon swallows, “about that. Barlow is going to be staying here for a few weeks.”

“Ha. Ha,” Atlas deadpans, his face paling slightly. “I know you like to fuck with me, but even you wouldn’t be that cruel.” He smiles when I throw up a manicured middle finger.

“Actually, he is being serious.” I don’t miss the opportunity to rub it in. While I would have preferred Atlas already knew about this situation before I arrived, so I could have avoided this, I might as well make the best of it now. And by best, I mean really twist the knife in. “Mix up with my dorm room. So it looks like you’re stuck with me for a while,roomie.” I give him the sickliest sweet smile I can muster. “But that’s not going to be a problem, right? After all, you’re not actually paying to live here or anything.” My smile widens, reaching my eyes now, no doubt illuminating the evil glint behind them.

“Tell me I’m being punked.” He locks his gaze on my brother.

“She’s going to sleep on the couch. It’s just for a few weeks. The semester at most.”

I can tell Atlas wants to throw the tantrum of all tantrums. I bet in his head right now he’s face down on the floor, beating his fists against the matted carpet, wailing like an infant. But knowing he can’t push back without pissing Brennon off, he simply nods before turning his gaze back to me.

“Disclaimer, I sleep naked and sometimes get up in the middle of the night for water.”

“Good thing I’m a heavy sleeper.” I cross my arms in front of my chest, glaring right back at him.

“And I’m not going to refrain from bringing girls over because you’re here.”

“I’d expect nothing less from you. Everyone on planet Earth knows you’re incapable of keeping it in your pants.”

“Am I picking up on a hint of jealousy?” He purposely jabs at me, causing my temper to flare.

“Well,” Brennon clears his throat, cutting off my chance of rebuttal. “This is going to be fun.” His words drip with sarcasm.

As if someone had flipped a light switch, an easy smile spreads across Atlas’s face.

“I’m just fucking with her, dude. It’ll be all good. Won’t it, B?”

He knows how much I hate when he calls me that. Not because it’s the first initial of my name. If it was that, I wouldn’t mind. To him, B is short for baby, and not in a cute, endearing sort of way. It’s his way of mocking how I look.

Short. No curves. A full A cup if I’m being generous.We get it, Atlas... Very funny.

I bite back the urge to retaliate, forcing a smile to my face.

“Yeah, it’ll be just fine,” I agree in mock sincerity.

“I believe you two about as much as I believe in the tooth fairy, which for the record, is not at all. But for the sake of all of our sanity, can you two try to get along?”

“I’ll do my best. As long as he promises to behave.” My gaze slices back to Atlas.

“Who me?” He gestures to himself innocently, that dimpled smile once again sliding across his face. “I’ll be on my best behavior. Scouts honor.” He holds up three fingers pressed together.

“We’ll see about that,” I mutter under my breath, realizing I’m in for a lot more than I originally bargained for.


“Do you want me to comeout there and suffocate him while he sleeps?” my best friend, Zoe, offers, seconds after I’ve finished recapping to her the events from two days ago and how pleasant of a welcome I received from my temporary roommate.

“Trust me, I considered doing it myself last night. Especially with how loud he had his music playing. I swear, he was doing it on purpose to make a point. He can’t be outright mean to me because of Brennon, but he’ll take his jabs anywhere he can squeeze them in.”

“What a fucker. I can’t believe you have to deal with that for... How long did you say again?”