Page 69 of Force of Gravity

Now maybe if I keep telling myself that, one day I’ll actually believe my own bullshit.


Atlas fell asleep withme in his arms.

I laid there for a few minutes longer listening to him breathe, enjoying the feeling of being wrapped so tightly in his embrace.

When I felt sleep threatening to take me, I quietly slipped out of bed and tiptoed back into the living room, leaving his door cracked, just as I had found it.

It didn’t take long for me to fall asleep after that.

I dreamt of Atlas.

When I woke at ten until eleven, Atlas was gone and Brennon was getting ready to leave. Him clunking around in the kitchen is what jarred me from sleep. I would have likely slept much later otherwise. We talked for a few minutes before he headed out to meet up with Rita.

I swear, those two...

Watching them at the restaurant last night was the first time I’ve gotten to really see them together since finding out they were hanging out. And while they haven’t made anything official, I’d say it won’t be long before they are calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend.

They are too stinking cute together. I can tell by the way that Brennon looks at her that he’s quite smitten. Though who could blame him? Rita is smart, strong, beautiful, and not afraid to speak her mind. Which if you ask me, is a quality every woman should possess.

I swear, if he’s not at work or school, he’s hanging out with her. Or at least, that’s how it seems over these last few days. Not that I’m complaining. Yeah, I’d love the chance to spend some time with him and catch up on everything, but I’ve also got other things on my mind right now and his absence has been very beneficial to my sex life. Maybe not so much for other aspects of my life, but for my sex life, definitely.

I jump when my phone buzzes to life on the coffee table in front of me. I’ve been lounging in my pajamas since I woke up nearly an hour ago and have yet to even get up to go to the bathroom or get something to eat.

Leaning forward, I snag the device off the table, letting out a gargled slew of curses when I see Zoe’s name flashing across the screen.

Sending the call to voicemail, I sit up and throw my legs over the couch.

I’m not avoiding Zoe, and I fully intend to fill her in on everything that’s happened over the last couple of days, just not right now.

I already know how it’s going to go.

I’ll tell her. She’ll squeal, ask if I’m lying, and then have a mild heart attack when she finds out it’s the truth. I’ll likely have to answer a ton of questions and she will, of course, want every detail. Once that’s out of the way, she’ll either warn me that I’m going to get hurt or give me an air high five and tell me toget it, girl. None of which I’m up for at the current moment.

Dropping the phone back onto the table, I make a quick trip to the bathroom to empty my bladder and brush my teeth. On my way back toward the living room, I stop outside of Atlas’s bedroom door.

For reasons I don’t fully understand, I find myself twisting the knob and pushing my way inside.

His bed is unmade and yesterday’s clothes are on the floor in front of his closet, but other than that, the room is tidy.

Crossing the small space, I run my hand along the dark gray comforter, remembering how Atlas had thrown it over us last night shortly before he dozed off.

Without really thinking it through, I grab the blanket and wrap it around my shoulders, then crawl into the bed, inhaling his scent that hits me like a gust of wind when my head comes to rest on his pillow.

Curling into a ball, I close my eyes.

Visions of the last two days start to flash in front of me. Atlas. His mouth on mine. His hands on my body. Him... inside of me.

Never in a bazillion years did I think something like this would happen. And while I can’t shake the little voice in the back of my head telling me I’m going to regret this, I also know that if this ended today I’d be devastated.

Two days and already I’m hooked.

At this point, I don’t think there’s a way I won’t be hurt.

But at least I know it’s coming. At least I can prepare for the eventuality that all this will end at some point in the near future so I can be ready.
