Page 19 of Force of Gravity

“I’m really looking forward to tonight.” He tips my chin up with the back of his hand and it takes everything in me not to flinch at the contact.

“Yeah, about that.” I take a full step back. “I’m actually not going to be able to make it.”

His expression instantly falls. “ we need to reschedule?”

“No, I mean, I’m not going to be able to make it,ever.” I rock back on my heels. “You see, my ex-boyfriend and I, well, we decided to give it another go.”

“In the fifteen minutes I was gone?” He cocks a brow.

“Well, no. We actually decided last night but I hadn’t had the chance to say anything to you until now.”

“Your ex-boyfriend...” He eyes me suspiciously.

“Yeah.” I nod too quickly.

“I don’t buy it. Something changed between when I left and now. Did Sam say something to you?”

The fact that this is where his head went tells me everything I need to know. I just dodged a major bullet. I make a mental note to treat Sam to a huge thank you dinner in the near future.

“Sam?” I question like I have no idea who he’s talking about. “Oh, you mean the blonde girl?” I point toward the back, playing completely stupid. “She hasn’t spoken to me since I got here... Why would you ask me that?”

If he doesn’t believe me, he doesn’t call me out on it.

“No reason. Just seems weird that you didn’t say something when you first got here.”

“Yeah, well, we were kind of busy then and I wanted a chance to explain.”

“So this ex of yours, does he live back in Boston? How the hell do you think that’s going to work?” His nice guy act slips for a brief moment and I get a little peek behind his mask.

Did I say I owed Sam dinner? No, I owe her dinner, dessert, and a bottle of the most expensive wine my wages can afford.

“He... uh... he actually lives here.” It’s off my tongue before I can take it back. “Funny story, I’m actually living with him right now. Well, I’m living with my brother. And he’s my brother’s roommate, so technically I live with him. It’s complicated,” I ramble out, completely ignoring the fact that I used Atlas Keaton as my fake boyfriend scapegoat. Never thought that would happen.

Let’s not mention the fact that I’m a shit liar. Thankfully, I haven’t told Travis enough about my personal life that he would know any better. He already knew I’m staying with my brother right now, but that’s about it.

“So then, am I going to get to meet this boyfriend of yours sometime?”

He clearly doesn’t believe me, but knowing I don’t have to prove anything to him, I say whatever I think will get him off my back for now.

“Oh, I’m sure he’ll stop in eventually. He’s not much of a coffee drinker, but it’s only a matter of time before he comes in for one reason or another.”

“I won’t lie and say I’m not disappointed.” He’s pissed, I can tell. But really, what can he do?

“I know, I’m really sorry. This whole thing, it was kind of unexpected.”

“Well, if it doesn’t work out...” He lets the statement hang.

“You’ll be the first to know.”

And then, as if things couldn’t get any worse, the door chimes and wouldn’t you know it, but in walks Brennon and the devil himself. My newly claimed boyfriend, Atlas fucking Keaton.

In my head I’m on my knees, hands raised toward the sky, begging to know why the universe hates me so fucking much. But of course, on the outside I can’t show a single emotion or the crazy web of lies I weaved moments ago are going to come untangled right in front of my eyes.

“Hey guys.” I plaster on the brightest smile I can muster as Atlas saunters up to the register and drops an elbow onto the counter, Brennon coming to a stop directly to his left.

Travis turns, clearly assuming they’re regular customers and starts to walk away. I take an actual breath for the first time since the door swung open.

“So, this is where my sister spends all her time,” Brennon announces loudly and my entire body tenses as Travis’s steps falter.