Page 11 of Force of Gravity

“Yeah, okay, cool. Are you free on Friday night?”

“Friday night...” I tap my chin like I really have to think about it. “I guess I could make that work.” I grin.

“Seven o’clock?”

“Pick me up at my place?” I turn to walk away.

“Which is where?”

“I’ll text you the address,” I call over my shoulder as I head toward the back room to grab more supplies. He’d given me his number my first day, on the off chance I needed anything when he wasn’t here.

Once alone, I find it hard to wipe the smile off my face. What did I say about not dating him? I take it back. I couldtotallydate him.

It feels good having a guy pursue me without anyone here to steer him away. I think I might actually like this whole college thing.

But then I remember who I live with and immediately rethink the whole him picking me up thing.

“Actually, on second thought,” I drop the box I’m carrying next to the counter as I make my way back out to the front of the shop, “how about we just meet here?”

“You don’t want me to know where you live?” He quirks a brow playfully.

“More like who I live with. I think you should decide if you actually like me before I subject you to that.” I laugh like I’m joking, but in reality I’m quite serious.

“Hmmm.” He grins. “Okay then, we’ll meet here.”

“Sounds like a plan. Now, why don’t you be a gentleman and carry this box over there for the lady.” I nudge the box with my foot.

“I think I can manage that.” He scoops down and picks up the box of creamer.

As I watch him lift the box and carry it to the other side of the room, glancing back in my direction more than once as he does, I can’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, my luck is turning around.