Page 8 of You and I


“Logan.” Josh's voice comes filtering into my room just moments later, followed by a faint knock against my door. “You in there?” He phrases his question like he doesn't already know the answer even though I know he does.

“Yeah, I'm just changing.” I holler back, quickly peeling out of my polka dot cami and boy shorts before stepping into my regular black bra and panties.

“Can I come in?” He asks, his voice low.

I don't want to let him in. Hell, I don't want to see anyone right now. But most of all, I don't want to see him. One look at me and he will know what I was up to. What I almost did with his boss. Looking in the mirror, I notice immediately that my cheeks are extremely flushed and my green eyes are much brighter than usual.

“Calm down.” I say softly to my reflection, taking a deep inhale. “Yeah, hang on.” I call back to Josh, grabbing my black silk robe from my vanity chair and slipping it around my shoulders before making my way to the door.

The minute the lock slides and the knob turns, Josh hurries inside, shutting the door behind him. Turning back towards my vanity, I grab my brush and begin working out the massive tangles that have developed in my thick hair over the course of the night. I jump when Josh approaches me from behind and rests his hands on my shoulders.

“You okay?” He asks, meeting my eyes in the mirror.

“Fine.” I say, sitting my brush down and turning to face him. “What's up?” I ask, running my hand down the button closure of his black shirt, trying my damnedest to seem completely normal, even though I feel anything but.

“I saw you practically run in here. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.” He says, his brown eyes narrowing on me.

“Everything is fine.” I say on a shrug. “I just needed to get the hell out of that cami.” I lie, pointing to the material on the floor. “The under wire was squeezing me funny.” More lies.

“Didn't they fit you before you wore it?” He asks, turning his gaze back towards me. I guess I should have thought about the fact that we are fitted and sized for every outfit we wear before I decided to fake a wardrobe issue.

“Yeah, it fits fine. Just wearing it all night started to get uncomfortable.” I silently curse myself for not only lying, but for lying so badly.

“You sure that's it?” He asks, running his hands down my arms and then back up, coming to a stop just at the base of my neck. He trails his thumb up along my windpipe and then back down, skirting across my collar bone.

I am not in the mood for this right now but honestly, I know that denying him will raise some definite red flags. I am always up for sex. Always. I can't remember a time that I have ever made an excuse not to sleep with Josh. I mean, let's be real. He's handsome, older, experienced and has the ability to make me come every time without fail. Why would I deny that?

Even still, something about my encounter with Bentley has left me shaken and not quite able to move past it. I reach up and still Josh's hand, peering up to meet his brown eyes. “I have a lot of studying to get done, finals and all. Do you mind if I head out?” I ask, not missing the disappointment that crosses his face.

“You sure everything is okay?” He asks, tilting my head upwards to meet his gaze.

“Of course.” I say, pushing up on my tip toes to kiss his jawline, his light dusting of hair tickling my lips. “I just have so much to do.” I say, pulling back again.

“If you're sure.” He says, reminding me once again how protective he is with me. No one at the club knows about us. Well, with the exception of Lo. But that doesn't mean that people don't pick up on how Josh is with me. I think a lot of the girls just assume it's because I am the youngest dancer here. Like maybe he is fathering me in a way. Little do they know, it is the furthest thing from that.

“Another time?” I ask, wrapping my hands around his waist and pulling him into me. Looking up into his handsome face, I can't help but smile when he smiles down at me, shaking his head.

Lowering his face, his lips barely brush against mine when someone pushes their way into the room, causing us to jump apart. I'm startled by our sudden intrusion and my stomach immediately knots at the thought that we may have just been discovered. We don't need our relationship getting out. That could cause huge issues all around. Not just for him but for me as well. I dart my eyes to the door but Josh is standing in my line of sight. Panic seethes through my body as I hear his voice break the silence.

“Josh?” Bentley questions, his commanding voice booming through the small space. Stepping to the side, I pull my robe even tighter around my body, trying to prepare myself for how I will feel when I see those perfect blue eyes staring back at me again.

When my eyes finally land on his face, I lose my breath. This is the first time I have seen him in full light, and while he is immaculate in dim lighting, nothing could have prepared me for just how breathtakingly beautiful this man is when his features are on full display.

“Logan, you left this in the back.” He says, turning his eyes on me for the first time since entering the room. He holds out my fedora and waits until I take it from his hand before turning back to Josh. “Can I have a word?” He asks, gesturing his head towards the door.

Josh nods and throws me a weak smile before following Bentley into the hallway. Both men disappear from view before I have a chance to really process anything that is happening. The moment my door clicks shut, I rush forward, pushing my ear against the hard wood, trying desperately to hear what they are talking about.

I can hear their muffled voices, but give up on making out what they are saying within seconds. It's no use. Pushing away from the door, I cross the small space and quickly slip out of my robe and into my faded jeans and fitted black t-shirt. Pulling a hair tie out of my vanity drawer, I quickly throw my hair up in a ponytail and then begin collecting my things.

My hands shake nervously as I shove my cell phone into my back pocket and take one last look around my room to make sure I am not forgetting anything. I don't work again until Sunday which is five days away. I don't want to have to come here on one of my off days because I left something here.

Honestly, I know that I am stalling. I need to see Josh before I leave. I need to know what Bentley wanted to talk to him about. More importantly, I need to make sure he is not hurt by learning that I was in a private room with Bentley. Josh knows how I feel about privates. I can't imagine learning that I did one, with the very appealing owner of all people, will be very easy for him to swallow. Especially considering he's tried to get me to do one for him several times and I have always refused.

After what feels like an eternity, I finally give up waiting and push my way into the hallway. I half expect for both men to still be here but to my surprise, the space is completely deserted. Turning left, I walk the short distance to Josh's office and knock lightly.

I wait until he says “Come in” before pushing my way inside. He's sitting behind his desk, arms crossed in front of his chest, his eyes finding mine the second I come into view.