Page 55 of You and I



“Wake up beautiful.” Bentley's whispered words wash over me and immediately pull me from my sleepy haze. Blinking into the morning sunlight that filters into the room, it takes a few seconds for his bright, smiling face to come into view.

“Morning.” I croak, stretching out on my stomach before rolling to my side to get a better look at him. He's sitting on the side of the bed, head still damp from his shower, dressed in jeans and a black v-neck shirt. Much more casual than he usually dresses.

With the way his hair falls slightly down in the front, the longest strands brushing the top of his eyebrows, and the goofy grin on his face, he looks more like a carefree teenager than the powerful man that he is.

“The bathroom is stocked. Feel free to take a shower if you want. Unfortunately, the only clothes I have here are mine but they will do for now. I will have something brought over for you shortly.” He says, pushing my hair back away from my face.

“You don't need to do that.” I yawn, pulling the white sheet up to my chin to conceal my still naked frame from the night before.

“Come out and have breakfast when you're ready.” He smiles, leaning forward to kiss me gently on the forehead before standing and leaving the room, throwing me another sweet smile before closing the door behind him.

The moment he's gone, my smile stretches widely across my face as I glance around the room, visions of the previous night taking the forefront in my mind. Like the first time I was here, Bentley showed me things that I have only ever dreamed of. But the biggest difference between that time and this, is that I didn't want to leave. In fact, leaving is the last thing I want to do, even now.

Glancing at the clock, I see that it's just after eight in the morning. I can't help but wonder how on earth he seems so awake when we just went to bed a little over four hours ago. Lord knows I feel like I could sleep the day away, but knowing that Bentley is in the next room waiting for me is all the motivation I need to throw back the sheet and peel myself out of the king size bed.

Crossing the large room, I immediately head for the walk in closet to the left side of the room. There isn't much in here, which tells me Bentley isn't staying long or doesn't stay here often, I'm not sure which. I have yet to really learn about his actual living situation but given this is the same room as before, I can only assume he has some type of arrangement here.

I flip through a few jackets and suits, realizing very quickly that there is nothing in here that I can possibly wear. Making my way back into the bedroom, I veer to the left into the master bathroom, immediately spotting a t-shirt and men's lounge pants perched on top of the sink. I can't stop the goofy smile that takes over my face at how completely sweet this man is, and how unexpected he is too.

I spend the next few minutes showering and brushing my teeth and by the time I exit the bedroom a short while later, I feel completely refreshed. Although I look a bit ridiculous in a shirt much to large for me and pants that I had to tie so tight, the waist is about half the normal size, making the legs balloon out. My wet hair hangs loosely down my back and as I make my way into the living area, I can feel the moisture already seeping through the back of my shirt.

I spot Bentley immediately through the balcony door. He's sitting in one of the outdoor chairs, a book just inches from his face. Laughing to myself, I slip through the sliding glass door and step out into the warm morning sun.

“It's beautiful out today.” I say, crossing the space to the high rail that surrounds the ledge. Looking out over the city, I take a deep inhale, thinking to myself that I can't remember a morning where I felt more perfect than I do right now.

“Are you hungry?” Bentley asks from behind me, causing me to turn inward to face him. He gestures to the round table next to him which is covered in various breakfast items. Bagels, fruit, danishes, yogurt, orange juice and even a pitcher of milk. “I didn't know what you liked.” He says, as I cross the space and take a seat in the chair directly across from him.

Setting his book to the side so that I can't see the title, he gives me his full attention, his smile stretching incredibly wide as I proceed to pour myself a glass of orange juice. “What?” I ask, confused as to why he's staring at me with such a large smile on his face.

He glances down at the table and then meets my eyes again, prompting me to follow where his eyes had just been. I survey the table not sure what I am looking for and then stop when something in the center catches my eye.

It isn't until he reaches a lighter across the table and lights the candle sticking out of a large danish that I realize what he's done. “Happy Birthday.” He smiles even wider, clearly very impressed with himself. “Make a wish.” He says, gesturing to the burning candle in the middle of the table.

“Bentley.... I.” I start, but he cuts me off.

“Make a wish.” He repeats, this time his eyes narrowing in on my face.

“Fine.” I laugh, scrunching my forehead as I pretend to think really hard about what to wish for even though I feel like maybe the wish I have for myself is already coming true and it's all thanks to the man sitting in front of me.

Taking a deep inhale, I extinguish the candle in one hard blow and then watch the smoke billow up around the pastry. “What did you wish for?” Bentley pulls my attention back to him as he leans forward resting his elbows on the table.

“If I tell you, it won't come true.” I say playfully.

“Or if you tell me, maybe I can make it come true.” He grins wickedly at me and then sits back in his chair, crossing his massive arms in front of his broad chest.

“Well, sadly that is against the rules so I can't help you.” I shrug my shoulders and give him a grin. “I guess you'll just have to figure it out all on your own.” I laugh when his eyes light up with the challenge. “Thank you for this.” I tack on, for a moment becoming very serious.

“You haven't seen anything yet.” He promises, smiling at me in a way that tells me he's definitely got something up his sleeve. “You are mine for the day Ms. Blake and I intend to make sure you have the best birthday ever.”

“You plan on keeping me against my will?” I tease, pulling the candle out of my birthday pastry and ripping off a corner before tossing a small bite into my mouth.

“Are you saying you don't want to see what I have planned for you today?” He challenges, his eyes dancing across my face.

“Well I am certainly not going anywhere dressed like this.” I laugh, gesturing to my body. “I look like I have on M.C. Hammer pants.” I whine, breaking into laughter when Bentley chokes slightly on his water, having started to laugh half way through his swallow.