Page 50 of You and I

“Then don't. I will buy you a new plane ticket.” She says, pouting out her lower lip.

“You gonna get me a new job too when I get fired for not coming back?” I ask, laughing when her pout turns into a full on frown that makes her entire face sag downwards. “It's only five more weeks.” I reassure her. “Five more weeks and you will be back on campus with me. Besides, you have a certain someone that I am sure will distract you.”

“I know.” She sighs, smiling to herself.

“Wow.” I laugh, watching my best friend immediately morph into a teenage school girl with stars in her eyes. “That smile after one date.” I say, shaking my head slowly at her, a wide smile pulling up the corners of my mouth.

“Shut up. It's not like that.” She interjects. “Besides, he leaves next week and then he will be back in California and practically a world away from me.”

“Then I suggest you make the rest of this week something to remember.” I raise my eyebrows up and down at her breaking the seriousness of the moment as we both burst out in laughter.

“I'm going to miss you.” She says, standing and crossing the space of the room to wrap me in her arms.

“Me too.” I say, squeezing her back.

“Make sure you keep me posted on the whole Bentley thing.” She says, still having no idea that I know about her involvement.

I thought about confronting her. Hell, it took everything I had not to. But at the end of the day, I didn't want to make her feel bad so I decided to just let it be. I can't really be mad at her anyways. Bentley Reed is a hard man to tell no, no matter what he's asking for.

“I will.” I promise, stepping out of her embrace to throw my duffel bag over my shoulder. “I will text you as soon as I land.” I pull her in for another quick hug, before grabbing my suitcase and pulling it behind me out of the bedroom.

She walks me to the front door and hugs me two more times before finally letting me climb into the backseat of the town car, leaving me to ride to the airport alone as Seth and Janet insisted that Andrea join them for dinner. Waving like a lunatic, I watch my best friend disappear through the rear view mirror of the car as we leave the resort, for the first time realizing just how hard it's going to be to get through these next few weeks without her.

Vermont was not the trip I expected. I thought I would come here, clear my head, spend some quality time with my best friend and then return home feeling refreshed and back to my old self again. Clearly, that didn't happen and as the trees and the beauty of Vermont pass by me in a blur, all I can think about is how much more complicated things have become during my time away.

It doesn't help matters that Bentley left the way he did or that an entire day and night has passed since then and I have heard nothing out of him. I'm not sure what I expected and honestly, the fact that it even bothers me to begin with is worrisome.

The day I start caring about what Bentley Reed is doing or the fact that I haven't heard from him, is the day that I know I am in severe trouble. Problem is, I am fairly certain that day has already come and I am submerged much deeper than I had originally feared.