Page 4 of You and I

“Is that what you were talking about? When you came to the table? My file?” I ask, finally connecting the dots.

“Yes.” He says, scratching his forehead. “He left just moments after I gave it to him, which is why I wanted to speak to you personally. I was hoping maybe you could tell me why.” He says.

“I wish I knew.” I say, completely dumbfounded by the entire situation.

“Maybe he's just curious about who you are since he's never seen you before. He likes to know about the women working for him.” He says, shrugging his shoulders.

“Maybe.” I say, wishing that idea would make me feel a little better about the situation.

“Anyways.” He says, clearing his throat. “Are you busy tonight?” He asks, dropping the boss routine completely and morphing into the man that I have grown very fond of over the past couple of months.

It's nothing serious. I'm not in love with Josh or anything. But he's stable and confident and not to mention, pretty damn good in the bedroom as well. We keep things pretty casual and never venture from behind closed doors together. It's a situation that works nicely for me, though I know Josh wants more. He's brought it up a couple of times but I think ultimately he knows that it's not what I'm looking for. Not to mention the seventeen year age difference between us.

“I have a huge test to cram for tonight.” I say, standing and making my way to the door like I plan to leave. Clicking the lock in place, I turn back to see his warm smile beaming back at me. “But I think I can squeeze you in.” I say, making my way to stand in front of him, peeling off my shirt before straddling my legs across his lap.

“I mean, ifyou'renot too busy.” I whisper against his lips as I press my mouth firmly to his. He grips my hips with his large hands and grinds his groin upwards, his erection erasing any question as to whether or not he has anywhere else he wants to be.


“Hey, how was class?” My roommate Andrea asks, the moment I push my way through the bedroom of our dorm, dropping half of my stuff in an attempt to get inside without having to set anything down.

“I wish I knew.” I say, tossing my bag on my bed and then going back to the door to retrieve the papers that I dropped. “I could barely focus.” I say, returning to my bed and sitting down, trying to sort through my papers. “I'm pretty sure I did not retain one piece of information that the professor covered today.”

Andrea throws her long legs over the side of her bed and swivels to face me. “Spill.” She says, her eyes dancing across my face.

“Spill?” I question, throwing her a confused look.

“You tossed and turned all night last night. You look a mess today. Did something happen at work?” She asks, reminding me how well she knows me.

We've been rooming together since freshman year so I don't know why I am so surprised. Three years in the same small square space with someone, you get to know just about everything about them. Me and Andrea are very similar in a lot of ways but so very different in others. She's all about the boys, while I prefer to focus on school.

I can't say I blame her. She is a gorgeous girl. Tall, thin, long brown hair, olive skin and eyes so dark, sometimes I swear they are black. Men practically follow her around campus drooling most days. While I know she hates being judged by how she looks, as most people do, I don't miss how much she uses it to her advantage as well.

She has this way of manipulating people, mainly men, to get exactly what she wants. I envy her in a lot of ways. Hell, in a lot of ways I am the same way, only on a much quieter scale. I think that's why we get along so well. Deep down we are both a little crazy.

Hoping maybe it will help to talk to someone outside of the situation, I spend the next twenty minutes filling her in on my encounter with Mr. Reed and how my little romp with Josh afterward did nothing to squash my thoughts of the man. By the time I'm finished, she seems as flushed as I feel.

“Wow.” She says, shaking her head side to side. “Just wow.”

“What? Wow what?” I ask, confused by her words.

“Oh my God. You don't even see it.” She says, laughing lightly. “Isn't it obvious Anna? He totally has a thing for you.” She says, throwing one of her pillows across the small space and nearly hitting me in the face.

“He doesn't even know me.” I say, picking up the pillow and throwing it back in her direction.

“He doesn't need to know you to want to fuck you.” She says, laughing at the shocked look that crosses my face. “Oh don't give me that innocent girl routine. I know you Anna Blake. You are a bad girl wrapped in a pretty package.”

“I am not a bad girl.” I fake innocence. While I may not be completely innocent, I would hardly classify myself as a bad girl, being able to count my sexual partners on one hand. But while my number is low, my experience is not. I know exactly what Andrea is referring to. I like to experiment, so to speak.

“You know what I mean.” She laughs. “Besides, there are worse things than having a hot, wealthy man, interested in you. Even if it is only for one thing.” She raises her eyebrows at me suggestively and I can't help but laugh.

“I am not going to sleep with him.” I gap at her.

“Why the hell not?” She asks, pinning her dark eyes on me.

“Well for one..... Josh.” I say, speaking the obvious.

“Josh is your fuck buddy Anna, nothing more. Don't act like that would stop you from sleeping with someone else if the opportunity presented itself.”