Page 14 of You and I

She kept me on the right track after I lost dance. She made me focus on my studies and she pushed me to succeed. If not for her persistence, I probably never would have gotten into the University of Chicago. Not only did I make the grade, but I did so well in fact, that I landed a pretty amazing scholarship as well. I never would have been able to afford to live on campus or the hefty tuition for that matter, without it.

So I guess you could say, I owe her. For not only introducing me to dance and teaching me the art of what I loved. But for being there for me when it all fell apart and showing me that life didn't end the day my dream of dancing did.

Clearing away my dishes and dropping them in the sink, I stick the remainder of the chili in the refrigerator and then grab my duffel bag before heading down the hall to my bedroom. I'm going to miss living in the dorm with Andrea. I considered staying there for the summer but finances would not allow it and Andrea already had plans to spend the next two months with her family. Besides, this is probably the last summer that I will have the opportunity to spend with Patty before adult life is knocking at my door.

It's hard to believe how much time has passed and how quickly. Pushing my way inside the small square space that was my home for two years, I see that not much has changed. There are still various pictures of friends taped to the mirror on my dresser, the same purple comforter still spread across the full size bed that sits in the middle of the room. Hell, it looks like the only thing that has changed is that the paint has been freshened up. What once was a light blue is now a dark beige and gives the room a much needed face lift.

Tossing my bag on top of the mattress, I decide to head back to campus rather than unpacking. I would rather save that for when I have everything here. Flipping the light off, I pull the door shut before heading back out into the open living area and grabbing my keys off of the glass coffee table.

It takes me a little longer to get into the city than usual, given the late Friday evening traffic and by the time I finally push my way inside, Andrea is picking up her last bag from her bed.

“I'm so glad I caught you.” I say, crossing the small space and wrapping my arms around her petite waist. “I can't believe you are leaving me for an entire summer in Vermont.” I whine, dropping my arms and taking a step back.

“It will be over before you know it.” She smiles and then pulls me into another hug. “Damn it.” She sniffs lightly in my ear. I immediately pull back to see her eyes pooling with liquid.

“Are you really crying right now?” I ask, stepping back and laughing lightly at her.

“Oh shut it Anna. Just because you don't have any emotions doesn't mean the rest of us are immune. I'm going to miss you.” She pouts.

“I have emotions.” I fake offense. “And if it makes you feel any better, I am going to miss you way more than you will miss me. Think about it. I am going to be stuck here working all summer while you are off at a fancy resort with nothing but the warm sun and hot men.”

“And my parents.” She tacks on, her face distorting like she just ate something bitter.

“It could be worse.” I remind her.

“I suppose.” She sighs. “Well I really should get going. My flight leaves in two hours and you know how long airport security takes these days.” She says.

“Well, be safe.” I say, pulling her in for one more quick hug. “And text me the moment you land.” I tack on, stepping out of her embrace.

“Love you Anna.” She says, tossing her bag onto her shoulder.

“Love you too.” I say, throwing her a wave as she disappears through the doorway, the latch clicking loudly as the door snaps shut.

I slide the lock in place and then turn around to take a look at our now almost bare dorm room. Just hours ago it was a mess of papers, clothes, books, makeup and shoes. And now.... Now it's just an empty hollow shell.

I immediately begin working on packing up the last of my things. I took quite a bit over to Patty's after my last final this afternoon but still have a decent amount to go. Throwing some of my old books into one of the empty boxes on my bed, I pull my phone out to turn on some music, but then jump slightly when it buzzes to life in my hand. Sliding the lock screen, I see that I have a text message from Lo.

Come to the club.

Is all the message says.

Can't. I'm packing.

I text a quick reply.

Josh needs you in. He said he will pay you double.

It's a tempting offer and one I know I would be stupid to pass up but even still, I know I have to finish packing. Thinking it over for a moment, I text her back a quick reply.

What time?

Her response is instant.

10 at the latest.

Looking at the time, I see that it is already after eight. Where has the day gone?

I can be there by ten.