Page 62 of You and I

He looks down at my hand on his arm which immediately brings my attention to the contact and I pull it away. “You sure you don't just want me to take you home?” He asks.

“I'm staying with Patty a few miles outside of the city.” I remind him. “It's late. I don't want you to have to take me that far out of your way.”

“I don't mind.” He immediately cuts in, reminding me what an amazingly thoughtful man Josh can be.

“I know you don't.” I say, giving him a warm smile. “But I'm good here.” I say, pushing open the passenger side door and climbing out, turning to face him once more. “Thanks again for the ride. I'll see you tomorrow.” I say, giving him the best smile I can muster before shutting the door and quickly crossing the sidewalk to the entrance.

Josh waits until I have unlocked the door before he steps out of the Jeep and crosses the space between us. “Logan wait.” He calls, just as he appears behind me causing me to turn and face him. “I just wanted to say I'm sorry.” He says, catching me off guard. “You know, for the way I handled everything. You were fair and I, well I was an ass.” He says, a smile pulling up one side of his mouth.

“You don't need to apologize Josh. You didn't do anything wrong. If anything, I owe you an apology.” I say, reaching out to pat my hand against his chest, not sure why the physical contact centers me a bit.

Josh looks down at my hand and then back into my eyes, I know the moment the decision is made but I can't seem to act quickly enough. Before I have time to react at all, Josh's lips are on mine, kissing me with so much urgency, it's like he's trying to prove something to me.

“Josh.” I plead against his mouth, wedging my hands between us to push back hard on his chest but the action does not slow him at all. Pushing me into the glass of the door, he kisses me harder, this time skating his tongue across my lower lip causing my mouth to open on instinct.

I don't mean to kiss him back. Hell, I don't even want to. But the moment the contact is made, I can't stop myself. I feel his hands shake as they close around my face, giving him the leverage to deepen the kiss. My mind is racing, screaming for me to stop but my body wants something else entirely. My body wants to forget. It wants to forget the invisible scars that will forever pepper my skin from the burn caused by Bentley's touch. It wants to forget who claimed it. I want to forget.

But as much as I want to forget, I also know that pulling Josh inside and letting him have his way with me won't make me feel better tomorrow. It won't make me feel better a week from now or two weeks. I know, deep down, the only thing that will make this better is time.

Pushing against Josh's chest more forcefully, he finally breaks away from my lips, his breathing coming out in heated spurts against my face. “I can't do this.” I say, pulling open the door giving Josh no option but to step backwards. “I'm sorry. I can't.” I say again, giving him one last look before latching the door closed and snapping the lock in place, disappearing into the darkness of the studio.

Immediately crossing the room, I peel back the blinds and watch as Josh stands in front of the studio for a good thirty seconds before finally shaking his head and making his way back to his Jeep. I watch him climb inside and then pull away, not releasing the blinds until I see his tail lights disappear around the corner.