Page 41 of You and I



“What about that one?” Andrea asks from her lounge chair next to me. Sliding my sunglasses down my face, I peer to my left where she is staring, drool practically pooling at the corners of her mouth.

“Not bad.” I say, letting my eyes travel shamelessly down the man's sculpted body and then back up to his handsome face. He looks like a beach bum. Shaggy blonde hair and perfectly tanned skin with bright orange board shorts that hang perfectly from his hip bones.

“Or him?” She says, directing my attention to a more conservative looking man sitting at the end of the bar. Like the other, he has a nice body and from what I can tell, has a pretty good looking face. But unlike the beach bum, this guy seems uptight and stressed.

“I would go with the first one.” I say, sliding my sunglasses back into place and dropping my head back against the lounge chair, loving the feeling of the hot sun on my face.

“I don't know. Number two seems intense. And you know what that equates too.” She smirks at me and I do my best to ignore the twinge in my stomach as Bentley's face comes rushing into my mind.

“Yeah but the other is probably more fun and therefore would show you a better time. I still say number one.” I say, grabbing my Pina Colada from the table next to me and taking a long sip of the frozen concoction before setting it back down.

“Well.” Andrea breathes beside me and then turns to face me. “How do you feel about brothers?” She asks, laughing lightly.

“What?” I ask, looking back in the direction of Bachelor number one only to see he has been joined by an older looking version of himself.

“Are you sure that's his brother and not his dad?” I ask, taking in the scruff that runs along his jawline with just a hint of gray to it.

“No way. Look at him. He's clearly just a few years older. Besides, I thought you liked older men.” She teases, raising her eyebrows up and down at me.

“There is something to be said about a man who has years of practice, I'll give you that. But that does not mean I have any interest in having a meaningless fling with someone that has a child my age.” I laugh when her mouth drops open.

“You know what? I think a one night stand would do you well.” She says, elaborating when I give her a look that says I've already been there and done that. “Not like with Mr. Perfect. I mean a true one night stand. A random hookup with a person you do not know that you will likely never see again.”

“And what is the perk of that exactly?” I ask, rolling my face to the side to study the two men who have now made their way to a round table just a few short feet from us. If they cared enough to listen to our ridiculous conversation, I would say that they could probably hear us from where they are standing.

“Um, you get to fuck a hot guy and never see him again. I thought we already established this.” She laughs again, following my line of sight to where the two men are now sitting.

“Fuck it. I'm going over there.” She says, tossing her legs over the side of the chair and sitting up, turning to give me a devilish grin.

“I'm waiting.” I tease, having experienced two days of this already and knowing damn well that she will back out the moment she gets close to them.

“Screw you.” She says, throwing her straw at me after finishing the last of her drink. “I've been off my game here recently. But today, today I feel good.” She says, standing with a look of sheer determination across her pretty face.

Andrea has never been one to shy away from a man. She typically has no trouble in this department and has more confidence in her big toe than I do in my whole body, but even still, she certainly has not been her normal man hungry self since I arrived. I mean sure, we have spent two days drooling over every man in sight, but she has yet to talk to a single one and I know better than anyone how rare that is.

I watch her long legs glide as she crosses the few short feet separating our spot from the table the two men are currently occupying. Her perfectly sun kissed skin shimmers in the daylight and her long dark hair brushes back and forth with each step she takes, the longest part falling just inches from the top of her blue bikini bottoms.

I half expect her to keep walking but can't help laughing when she swivels in place and stops directly in front of the two men, whose attention she captures immediately. I watch the younger one's smile grow wider and wider as Andrea talks. While I strain to hear what she is saying, she's speaking too lightly for me to really make anything out.

Looking away, I turn my focus towards the pool and try to swallow down the hard lump in my throat as I feel someone's eyes on me. Feeling near naked in my white bikini, I push my sunglasses up further and sink down into my lounge chair, closing my eyes. Silently cursing Andrea, I can't help but wonder what the hell she is probably getting me into over there.

I can almost imagine the conversation in my head at the same moment someone steps next me. I am not the least bit surprised. I don't have to open my eyes to know they are there. I can tell by the way the sun is no longer beating down on my face that I am currently bathed in someone's shadow.

I peel one eye open, not sure of what I will see. My eyes immediately fall to muscular tan legs covered in black board shorts. Traveling upward, the further I go, the faster my heart beats. I know it is him before I even hit his face. I can tell from the definition in his chest, the muscles that line the sides of his neck and that unmistakable jaw line.

“Bentley.” I stutter out, the moment my eyes find his face. Scrambling into a sitting position, I am not sure if I am preparing to run away or leap into his arms. “What.... What are you doing here?” I manage to get out, not missing the way his smile lights up as he leans down and takes a seat on the side of Andrea's lounge chair.

“I come here all the time.” He says, his smile flickering playfully.

“Here?” I question, not able to keep the doubtful tone from my voice. “And you just happened to be here the one weekend that I am?” I ask, pulling my sunglasses off of my face and cocking my head to the side to study him.

“As a matter of fact, yes.” He says, a slow smile creeping across his face, those damn dimples momentarily blinding me from the reality of my current situation.

“What do you want Bentley?” I shake my head as if shaking some damn sense into myself. I flick my eyes nervously towards Andrea who meets my gaze immediately and throws me a questioning glare. I know from where she is sitting she does not have a clear view of Bentley's face so it's very likely she has no idea who he is and is assuming he is just some guy hitting on me.