Page 37 of You and I

“The fact that you two slept together. Absolutely I do.” She says, cutting me off. “If you could have heard the way he talked to Josh, you would have thought that poor man they kicked out had tried to fuck you up there or something. It was actually pretty fucking hot.” Her concern quickly melts away as a smile pulls up her mouth.

“Not cool Lo.” I shake my head at her. “It's bad enough that he owns the place. Now I have to deal with him interfering with my dances? Throwing people out because they touch my leg? Certainly not.” I say, realizing how stupid it sounds saying it out loud. “That's a jealous act and men like Bentley Reed don't get jealous over girls like me.”

“Girls like you?” She questions, cocking her head to the side. “Think what you want girl but I am telling you, that man is under your spell and what's worse, you don't even see it.” She says, her gaze turning serious.

I won't deny the rush that floods through my veins at the thought of Bentley being bothered by another man touching me. While it baffles me, it also sends a thrill rushing through my blood stream. To think that I would hold any type of power over a man like him is ridiculous and yet, I am quickly learning that Bentley Reed can surprise me in more ways than one.

“All the more reason why I need to return the ticket and the dress as soon as possible.” I say, looking from Lo to the box sitting next to my door and then back to Lo.

“Are you sure you want to do that? I mean, aren't you even a little curious as to what would happen?” She asks, voicing the very thing that had ran through my head on constant repeat while I tossed and turned in bed last night.

“No. I need to return the items and then get the hell away from here for a few days.” I say, pushing myself into a stand and crossing the room to retrieve my jeans from the floor. Visiting Andrea in Vermont could not have come at a better time. A few days away will be just what I need to clear my head.

“Okay. If you're sure.” She says, pouting out her lower lip.

“Don't give me that look. Now are you coming with me or not?” I ask, throwing on my fitted t-shirt and retrieving my shoes from the corner.

“Why not just give it to him now?” She asks, raising her eyebrows at me.

“Because he left.” I say, sighing loudly. “Now. Are you coming?” I ask again, turning to face her head on.

“Um. Duh.” She laughs, pushing herself out of her chair and quickly exiting my room to go get changed.