Page 20 of You and I

“Good luck.” She says with a small wave, turning and heading in the direction of her dressing room while I head in the opposite direction towards the back office.

I knock lightly on the wood and hear Cora's crisp voice within seconds. “Come in.” Pushing the door open, I spot Cora immediately. She's sitting on the edge of the desk, arms crossed over her chest, and the sourest scowl across her tight features.

“You were looking for me?” I ask, stepping just far enough inside to be able to close the door behind me.

“Going somewhere?” She asks, gesturing to my attire.

“I'm not technically working tonight.” I explain. “I agreed to come in to cover and since my private party is over, I assumed I could go.” I say, trying to keep my voice steady. I don't know what it is about this woman that puts me on edge but she does and it's hard to shake the feeling while in her presence.

“How was the party?” She asks, holding her hand in front of her face to look at her brightly painted red nails before dropping it back down and pinning her eyes on me. As much as I dislike Cora, for reasons even I don't really understand, I can't deny how incredibly beautiful she is. She has the bluest eyes. So blue they almost look eery against her tan skin.

“It was fine.” I stutter out, not really sure how to answer that question.

“Yes, well considering I just drew up five additional contracts, I would say so.” She smiles slightly and I can't help but wonder if I have ever seen her actually smile before.

“Yes, I suppose.” I say, not really sure what she wants from me.

“So, Logan.” She says, pushing herself away from the desk and taking a few steps forward until she is standing uncomfortably close to me. “I wanted to talk to you about something that has come to my attention.”

“O-Okay.” I stutter out, having no idea what any of this is about.

“What is going on between you and Mr. Reed?” She asks, catching me off guard.

“Nothing.” I immediately lie. I mean, there isn'treallyanything going on.

She lets out a high pitched laugh and then reaches out, picking up a strand of my long hair. She examines it for a long moment and then begins to twist it around her index finger. “You are a very beautiful young woman Logan.” She says, taking another step towards me causing me to take a step backwards just to keep a few inches between us. “I can see why he craves you.” She says, completely unphased when I take another step back. She simply matches my step until my back meets the hard door and I am essentially trapped between it and her.

“I don't know what you're talking about.” I say, straightening my shoulders.

“I think you do.” She says, finally letting the strand of hair fall from her fingers. “Josh.” She says on a shrug. “I can look the other way. But Mr. Reed is spoken for.” She says, leaning in so close that for a moment, I think she is going to kiss me. “If I have to remind you of this again, wewillhave a problem. Are we clear?” She asks, at this point so close to my face that I can smell the mint of her mouthwash trying to conceal the overwhelming scent of liquor.

I don't know what to say so I simply nod, desperate to get the hell out of this situation and away from this crazy woman who apparently thinks that I am trying to steal her man.Herman? Certainly not. If her and Bentley were a thing, someone surely would know that information which means Lo would have known. There is rarely an incident that takes place that Lo doesn't have her nose all up in. And then there's Josh. Immediately I can't help but question if he told her. I know it wasn't Lo, so how else would she find out?

“That's a good girl.” She laughs lightly, finally stepping away from me and giving me room to let out a long breath. “You can go.” She says dismissively, turning her back to me as she makes her way around the other side of the desk.

I don't wait to be told twice. Quickly slipping out of the office, I practically run down the hall and out of the back door, wanting to get as far away from this place as I possibly can. As soon as the night air engulfs me, I feel like some of my disorientation lifts. What the hell is going on tonight? First, being thrown into a private party I wasn't prepared for. Then, having to dance for Bentley of all people. What came after was even more shocking and has since gotten even weirder.

As I climb into the drivers seat of my old car, I can't shake the feeling that Bentley Reed coming into my life is more of a curse than a blessing. I am a simple girl with simple needs. I don't belong in his world. A world with money and power. A world where women like Cora have already staked their claim and are waiting in the wings to pounce on anyone that threatens what they view as theirs.

I am not ready for that world. And as drawn as I am to Bentley, I don't think I am ready for a man like him either.