Page 16 of You and I


I'm frozen, paralyzed even. It's like time moves in slow motion around me and I can see every set of eyes as they turn my direction. Feel the heat from their gazes as they skirt across my skin and yet, only one person in attendance commands my focus.

“Logan. I am so glad you could join us this evening.” Bentley smiles casually and stands, turning towards the other men. “Gentleman, may I introduce to you one of our finest dancers here atAllure. Logan will be able to give you an idea of what you can expect when visiting any of my clubs. They all operate the same way and have equally as talented dancers. Well, almost.” He says, turning his head just a fraction so that I can see him wink in my direction.

“Josh.” Bentley turns his attention to the bar and immediately Josh is punching the music selection into the touch wall screen that controls the music in the room.

Before I have time to react to anything going on around me, “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room” by John Mayer floods from the speakers around me. I take a deep breath and one last look directly at Bentley before throwing my head back and slowly beginning to move with the beat of the music.

It isn't long until my dance instinct takes over. While I don't have a specific routine for any song I dance to, I generally have an idea in my mind. Unfortunately, given how quickly this was all thrown on me and the fact that I have never danced to this song, I am having to improvise a lot more than I normally would. And while I thought that would be difficult, I am actually enjoying just losing myself in the music and not really thinking too much about the movements.

On the last chorus of the song, I climb about five feet up the eight foot pole in the middle of the stage and hook both legs around it, laying my torso upside down along the cool metal and stretching my arms above my head. The action causes the red nighty to skirt up a little higher than I am used to considering I don't usually wear such loose fitting material, but it doesn't show too much and I capitalize on the exposure of my skin by reaching up and trailing my hands along my bare stomach and across the bottom of my breasts that are barely visible to the men in the audience.

It isn't until the last beat of music sounds that I open my eyes and actually look around. Immediately my audience breaks into applause. Well, with the exception of one person that is. Bentley is staring back at me with an expression I can't quite wrap my head around. Anger maybe?

Not sure what I could have possibly done wrong, I slide my body from the pole and step back behind the red screen that blocks the view of behind the stage to the people in the room. Taking deep breaths, I try to regain some sense of composure. I tend to lose myself in the music and the movements and very rarely second guess the choices I make on stage, but right now, second guessing is exactly what I am doing. But even still, I can't pinpoint what I possibly could have done to cause Bentley to look at me with so much fire behind his eyes. I know when I have turned a man on, and while I may have done just that for him, that is certainly not the only reason for that look.

“Hey.” Josh says, startling me as he slips behind stage and hands me a bottle of water. “You were fantastic up there.” He says, giving me a sweet smile.

“What's going on out there anyways?” I ask.

“Potential new clients. The two on the left are owners of one of New York's top law firms.” He says, pulling back the screen just enough that we can see them but the likelihood is, they can't see us. “The one in the hat plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers.” He continues, gesturing towards the tall lanky man just to Bentley's left. “And then the plump one with the facial hair is none other than Jefferson Banks.”

“Owner of Banks Financial, Jefferson Banks?” I ask, referring to one of the biggest financial firms in the country. Not that I know much about him or his company but you would have to live under a rock to have never heard his name before.

“The one and only.” Josh says, gesturing for my water bottle after I take another long drink. “You better get back out there. I have specific instructions to have you do a three song rotation, three minutes between each song.” He says, surprising me.

“But that's not even a half an hour.” I interject.

“Bet you never dreamed you would make two grand for thirty minutes.” He smiles brightly at me like he somehow had something to do with it when I know, deep down, he hates that I am here right now, dancing for Bentley. This was one hundred percent Bentley's doing, I just haven't quite figured out why.

“But why are they all here? Has he brought potential clients here before?” I ask, figuring I would have at least heard one of the girls talk about it if he had. Hell, even Lo had no idea who Bentley was, which tells me his appearance here is not frequent. Or at least it hasn’t been until more recently.

“I don't know. He usually takes potentials to his New York club.” He shrugs. “Alright, enough chit chat. I have a schedule to keep.” He says, pulling the screen open to allow enough room for me to squeeze through.

I am fully prepared to start my next dance but before Josh even has a chance to start the song, all the men stand and start shaking hands. I stand motionless in the middle of the stage, not sure what is going on or what I am supposed to do.

I can hear their conversation for the most part, though Mr. Banks words are grumbled and run together. From what I can tell, it looks like they are all preparing to leave. Bentley shakes each man's hand and thanks them for coming. Given that he makes the general statement to be in touch first thing Monday morning to finalize membership contracts, I can only guess that things went well and he succeeded in bringing these men into his elite group of clients.

I look to where Josh is standing behind the bar. He catches my eyes and shrugs, like he's just as confused as I am. I turn my attention back to Bentley who shakes the basketball player's hand last and claps him on the shoulder before saying something to him that I can't hear. The man nods and then follows the other gentleman to the door where Mike, one of the bouncers, proceeds to lead them out.

Flipping my gaze back to Bentley, I am immediately a ball of nerves when I find him staring back at me intensely. He opens his mouth like he is going to say something but then immediately closes it when Josh begins to approach.

“Everything okay?” Josh asks, as soon as he reaches where Bentley is standing.

“Perfect.” Bentley says, reaching out to shake Josh's hand. “They were all so impressed with Logan here.” He says, throwing a nod in my direction before turning back to Josh. “That they were sold after just one dance.”

“Well that was easy enough.” Josh says, laughing lightly.

“Depends on how you look at it.” Bentley says, not losing his professional tone. “Now if you don't mind, I'd like a word.” He says, gesturing towards the bar.

“Okay.” Josh stumbles out before turning and following Bentley just far enough away from the stage that they are out of my earshot and I can't hear what they are saying. It's strange, from where I am standing both of them seem completely normal and yet, not at all. I can feel the tension buzzing around them and it's impossible not to feel the weight even from across the room.

After what feels like an eternity, Josh finally meets my gaze and I watch as the color leaves his face as he slowly turns and backs out of the room. He doesn't have to say a word to tell me that the last thing he wants to do is leave me alone with Bentley Reed.

Bentley seems completely at ease as he turns and crosses the room towards me. I want to back away, make an excuse why I need to go but I can't do anything but stand like a statue on stage and watch as he closes the distance between us.

Holding his hand out once he reaches the edge of the stage, he gestures for me to come to him. Like my body is operating on auto pilot, I slowly make my way to the end of the stage and down the small three step staircase that leads to the floor, my heels clicking loudly with every step I take.