Chapter Twelve
Fifteen months later
“Hey Hope, where do you want me to put the cookies and stuff? Are we putting all the food outside?” I ask, turning toward her with two trays of cookies balanced in my hands.
She gives me a soft smile and shakes her head. Her dark brown waves move across her shoulders as she does.
“I told you that you didn’t have to help. You are a guest here.”
“Right. But this isyourgraduation party so as your friend it’s my job to help.”
“It’sourgraduation party,” she corrects me, stepping forward to take both trays of cookies out of my hands. She slides them back onto the kitchen island before her green eyes come back to mine. “And I told you, you’re not allowed to help.”
“You can’t expect me to stand around and watch you do all the work.”
“You don’t have to stand around and watch me. You can go back outside with all of our other classmates and enjoy the beautiful afternoon.”
“Why would I do that? You’re the only person here I actually like.”
She laughs, the sound deep and rich. I swear she has the best laugh I’ve ever heard.
“Stop it. You have plenty of friends here.”
“I guess.” I shrug indifferently. “But you’re the only one I want to spend time with. Need I remind you that I’m leaving for California tomorrow and you’ll have to go an entire summer without me?”
“How will I ever survive?” She clutches her chest dramatically.
“Careful, Russell. You’re starting to make me think you won’t miss me.”
“Won’t miss you?” Her expression falls. “Of course I’m going to miss you. I’m going to miss you so much I won’t know what to do with myself.”
“At least Lucy will be happy I’m gone,” I mutter.
“She’s going to miss you and you know it. You just have to give her some time.” Hope reaches out, wrapping her fingers around my hand before giving it a gentle squeeze.
I hate that I hurt Lucy. I never wanted to do that. But after over a year of dating, I couldn’t get to where she was. She’s a great girl and some of my best memories are moments spent with her. But there was something missing. I think there always had been but I was too young and new at relationships to really notice.
“Be honest. How much shit did you catch for inviting me today?” I ask.
“Very little, actually. I made my stance clear. You’re both my friends and I won’t pick between the two of you,” she states matter of fact. “Is that why you’re in here instead of outside?” Hope gives me a knowing look. A look that I’ve seen countless times over the last year. “Because you’re avoiding Lulu?”
“No.” Hope raises her eyebrow. “Maybe,” I admit. “But I also really do want to spend some time with you before I leave.” I pout my bottom lip out dramatically.
“Gahhh,” she groans audibly. “How can I say no to that?” She smiles and like every smile that has come before it, it lights up the entire room.
Hope Russell has to be my favorite person on the planet. And while I’ve made several friends over the last year and a half, no one compares to Hope. She’s my best friend. Has been since that first day when she tried taking me out in the hallway. Though if you ask her, it was me that almost took her out.
I’ve never felt such an instant attraction to someone before, and while I had hoped there could possibly be more between us, I didn’t get the impression that Hope was interested. And then I started hanging out with Lucy and, well, the rest is history.
But I’d be lying if I said a part of me hasn’t always wondered‘what if’. What if I had taken a leap of faith and asked Hope out instead of pursuing Lucy. What if I hadn’t been such a pussy? What if?
Would things be different now? Would we still be together? Would we be happy? Or would it have messed everything up?
Hope is everything you want in a girl. She’s smart and funny. I can be having the shittiest day and the sound of her laughter instantly makes me feel better. She’s sweet. A little shy. The most talented cook I’ve ever met. And damn, if she isn’t beautiful.
But the best part about Hope is that even though she’s all those things and so much more, she’s also the most humble, down to earth person I’ve ever met. Most girls who look like her don’t act like her. It’s like she’s completely oblivious to how incredible she is.