When I turn the corner at the top of the stairs, I spot someone sitting on the floor next to my apartment door. My insides tighten and I look both ways down the hallway, hoping someone else is around just in case. After all, thisisNew York City.
I debate walking right back down the stairs but for some reason I don’t. Instead, I lower my gaze, keeping my eyes on my feet as I continue to my apartment.
As I get closer, my body becomes hyper aware. All the tiny little hairs on the back of my neck stand and I glance up, not able to ignore the sensation of being watched.
And that’s when our eyes meet and every ounce of air leaves my body.
He’s sitting next to my door, his knees pulled up to his chest. A ball cap covers his thick, dark hair. He gives me a hesitant smile as he climbs to his feet, his dimples hidden beneath the short beard he’s grown out.
God, he looks good.So good that my heart physically aches at the sight of him.
“What...” I pause just shy of my door, confusion marring my face. “What are you doing here?”
“Henry told me where you live. I didn’t even know you were back.” The hurt in his eyes can’t be masked, but there’s something else there too. Something almost hopeful.
“I got back two weeks ago.” My voice comes out high and breaks at the end.
“Why didn’t you call me?”
“I didn’t know what to say.”
“I’ve missed you.” He takes a step toward me and my entire body stiffens.
“I’ve missed you,” I admit.
“I’ve thought about you every single day since the last time I saw you.”
“Me too.” I shuffle my feet. “Do you, uh, maybe want to come in?”
“Yes, I absolutely want to come in.” Another smile. This one wide enough that if I look closely, I can see the deep dimples that indent both of his cheeks.
My hand shakes as I fumble with my keys. After a couple failed attempts, I finally get the key into the lock, pushing the door open moments later.
He waits until I’ve stepped into the apartment before following me inside. It’s strange. I’ve never felt more awkward and yet completely at ease at the same time.
I flip on a lamp and light fills the small space.
“Sorry for the mess.” I gesture around the room, even though it’s hardly messy. “I’m still getting settled.”
“I’m sorry for showing up unannounced... Again,” he counters, walking further into the room as I shut and lock the door.
“Why did you?” I ask after several beats of silence have passed between us. “Show up unannounced, I mean.”
“Truthfully,” he blows out a heavy breath, “I didn’t know if you’d take my call if I tried giving you a heads up. And,” he continues after a short pause, “a part of me was afraid you would tell me not to come.”
“It feels weird. Having you here. Standing in my apartment. It feels like years have passed since I last saw you. But like it was just yesterday at the same time. You look exactly the same. Well,” I gesture to his face, “besides the beard. Which looks really good on you.”
“Thank you.” He chuckles, clearly picking up on how nervous I am.
“This is weird, right?” I’m not sure what to say or do.
“It’s a little weird,” he admits, a grin touching his lips. “But a good weird.”
“Yeah, a good weird.” I nod my head. “Can I get a drink? Maybe a glass of wine?”
“Since when do you drink wine?” He quirks an eyebrow.