“Were, yet you still ran even though they weren’t. You had your shot with him way back then and you didn’t take it. Then he came to New York and you had, and I quote,the best night of your life. But what did you do the next morning? You ran. And as amazing as an opportunity as Italy was, I can’t help but feel like the main reason you went was because you wanted to put as much distance between you and Alec as possible.”
“Italy had nothing to do with Alec.”
“No,” I tell her adamantly. “Even if Alec and I were together, I still would have gone. And I don’t regret going for a single second. Being there was everything I dreamt it would be and more.”
“I’m not trying to beat a dead horse here,” she concedes. “But as your friend, I feel like it’s my job to tell you when you’re making a mistake. And Hope, not calling him and telling him your back is just that.”
“Add it to the list,” I grumble. “Can we please just talk about something else?”
“Fine.” She blows out a breath. “What would you like to talk about?”
“Anything other than our current topic of conversation. Tell me about you. How are things going since graduation?”
“You mean the graduation that you missed?”
“I didn’t miss anything other than walking on a stage and being handed a piece of paper. I still have a degree just like you do.”
“It’s not about the piece of paper. It’s about the experience.”
“Well, Italy was a much bigger experience than a graduation ceremony will ever be.”
“Okay, I’ll give you that.” She smiles. “So do you have any plans to go home and see your mom and brother?”
“I thought we were talking about you?”
“Nah, I’m boring. I’d rather talk about you.”
“Well that makes one of us.” I cross my arms in front of myself. “And no, I don’t have any plans to go home soon. Though my mom is planning to visit after I get settled.”
“And how’s the brother?”
“Why are you asking me twenty questions like we haven’t talked almost every day for the last year?”
“Just making conversation.” She shrugs. “Besides, it’s not like we talk about your family that much. Mine, on the other hand, I feel like you know everything about that craziness.”
“Your family is a lot more interesting than mine. My mom works a lot and my brother is getting ready to go into his sophomore year of college.”
“And your dad?”
“Haven’t spoken to him in a while,” I admit. “You wanna lecture me about that next?”
“I do not lecture.” She swats playfully at me.
“Yes, you do.” I chuckle.
“Fine. Sometimes I think I know best. But I always have good intentions.”
“I know you do.”
My attention is once again drawn to my phone buzzing in my lap. I uncross my arms and pick it up, reading another text from Lulu.
Lucy:Will you call me when you get a chance? There’s something I want to talk to you about.
I stare down at my response, feeling like I should say more but not sure what I should say.