“I wish I would have had the time to wait until I got back to look around but finding an apartment in New York is hard enough. I didn’t want to pass on one that seemed like a good fit only to not be able to find another one I could afford. And considering I start atHerraon Monday, that gives me a whopping five days to get settled in.”
“Well I guess it’s a good thing you don’t own much then, huh?”
“It is. And thank god it’s furnished, because if I had to shop for furniture on top of everything else, I might lose my mind.” I laugh. “Thank you for letting me stay with you for the next couple of days. I really didn’t want to stay in a hotel if I could help it.”
“You know you’re always welcome. Besides, maybe with you there my vagina will have a couple days of recuperation.”
“And we’re back to talking about your vagina.” I shake my head, a low chuckle rumbling in my chest.
“Girl, you lived with me for three years. You’d think you’d be used to hearing about my vagina by now.” She playfully shoves at my shoulder.
“I’m not sure that’s a topic anyone gets used to hearing about.” My cell phone buzzes in my pocket, distracting me.
Pulling the device out, I look down to see a text from Lulu on my screen.
Lucy: Don’t forget to text me once you land.
I type out a quick reply and hit send.
Me:Landed. Headed back to Sophie’s house now.
Locking my phone, I drop it into my lap.
“Who was that?” Soph gives me a curious look.
“Have things gotten any better on that front?”
Sophie knows all about the Alec and Lulu situation. She’s had somewhat of a front row seat to everything seeing as we shared a dorm room for years.
“Not really,” I admit.
It hurts my chest when I think about how distant our relationship has become. I knew what happened between me and Alec would hurt her. I just don’t think I expected it to implode our entire friendship.
It was a good six months before she answered a single text message out of the hundreds I sent her, and another three months before I finally got her to pick up the phone when I called. And while I can count on one hand how many times we’ve spoken since Bella’s wedding, I’m glad that we are at least speaking some. The fact that she remembered I came home today means she still cares, at least a little.
“Maybe things will get better now that you’re back in the states,” Soph offers.
“Or maybe they’ll get worse.”
“And Alec? Have you talked to him recently?”
“Not in a couple of months.”
“Hope.” Sophie’s eyes bounce to mine before going back out to the road. “I thought you said you were going to call him and tell him you were coming home.”
“I was.” I knot my hands in my lap. “But then I decided maybe it was better if he didn’t know I was home yet. The last time we talked, I had mentioned that I might stay longer than expected. Of course, that was before I was offered the position atHerra.”
“Well, you are back and you’re going to have to tell him eventually. You can’t put this off forever.”
“I know. I just want some time to get settled and figure out my next move.”
“Isn’t that what you’ve been doing the past year? Figuring things out.” She throws me an apprehensive look. “You want to know what I think?”
“Not really, but I have a feeling you’re going to tell me anyway.”
“Yep,” she confirms with a dramatic pop of her lips. “I think you’re scared to call him because you know that once you do, you’re going to have to make a decision where he’s concerned.”