“I’m serious, Hope. I don’t care what school I’m going to. I just want to be with you.”
“It’s not that simple.”
“No, but it can be.”
“You don’t understand.”
“What don’t I understand?”
“I’m leaving New York soon.” It’s my turn to look surprised.
“What do you mean you’re leaving?”
“I got the opportunity to study abroad for my last year of school. It’s an amazing opportunity and one that they only offer to five students each year.”
“Where are you going?”
“Italy?” My stomach twists. It’s bad enough with her hundreds of miles away but now she will be thousands... The thought is almost more than I can stomach. “Italy,” I repeat, pulling in a heavy breath.
“Italy,” she confirms.
“Wow. That’s amazing, Hope.” I try to push past my own selfish feelings and recognize how incredible this is for her.
“It is.” She gives me a sad smile.
“Will you be gone just the year?” I ask.
“I leave in two weeks and I’ll be back in May.” She nods.
“Wow,” I repeat.
“Yeah, wow.” She scuffs her feet across the worn wood below us.
“But you’ll be back, right?” I offer. “A year isn’t that long.”
“I can’t keep doing this, Alec. This up and down and back and forth. I can’t. I’ve hurt you. I’ve hurt Lucy. I don’t want to hurt the people I love anymore.”
“So you do still love me?” The first hint of a smile graces my face.
“You know I do. I told you that earlier.” She sits back, dropping her hand on top of mine. “I’m sorry for this past year.”
“Don’t be.”
“No, I am. My mom told me that you came over every week to visit. That you helped Henry with schoolwork and her around the house. I know you did that for me. So thank you.”
“I love your family.”
“And they love you.” She turns her head forward again. “What I did to you, blocking your number and refusing to talk to you, that was really childish and selfish of me.”
“You did what you felt like you had to do.”
“I’ve spent my whole life worried about what others want and need. I would give someone the shirt off my back if they needed it.”
“I know you would.”