Page 67 of Almost Never

It feels so strange to have her sitting a few feet from me and still feel like we’re hundreds of miles apart.

A year ago she would have headed straight toward me the moment she entered the church. She would have thrown her arms around my neck and told me how much she missed me. She would have sat next to me, probably whispering about how over the top Bella went with everything and we’d have a good laugh.

I wish it could be like that again. I wish I knew what I did wrong. I wish I knew why things changed. It was hard enough texting her over and over again without a response, calling her to learn she had blocked my number. Knowing there was no way I could talk to her to find out what happened. But this, sitting so close to her and having her blatantly ignore me? It’s a torture worse than death. Or at least that’s how it feels at the moment.

When the minister announces the new husband and wife, I glance to the front of the church and join in on the array of applause that sounds through the room, standing as Bella and her husband head back up the aisle.

I turn back to see Hope’s eyes on me, but much like the first time our gazes had locked, the instant she realizes my attention is on her, she quickly looks away.

I hang back as the crowd begins to filter out of the church, hoping to pull Hope aside before she heads to the reception. Unfortunately, before I have a chance to grab her, Lucy intercepts me.

“Hey.” She smiles up at me, her lips painted a deep, cherry red. “I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

“Yeah, well.” I shrug, not really sure how to explainwhyI’m here.

“It’s good to see you.” She bats her long lashes.

“Yeah, you too.” I shuffle my feet, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

I haven’t spoken more than a few words to Lucy since I ended our relationship before graduation. She texted me a couple of times but I ignored them. Truthfully, I’m not really sure why I didn’t text her back.

“Are you going to the reception?”

“I am.” I nod, my gaze following Hope as she makes her way out of the church. I don’t look back at Lucy until Hope disappears from view. When I do, I see that Lucy’s watching me with a curious look on her face.

“Would you mind giving me a ride?” Her question strikes me as a bit odd considering everything that’s happened.

“Um, I guess?”

“I came with my mom, but she isn’t going to the reception.”

“Okay,” I draw out.

“I was going to ask Hope, but I guess Wendy isn’t going to the reception either, so she has to run her home first. She’ll probably end up getting there late, and I don’t want to miss the arrival of the bride and groom. That’s my favorite part.”

“Gotcha.” I nod.

“Besides, it will give us a chance to catch up.” She smiles, looping her arm through mine before tugging me into the aisle.

I want to resist. I want to pull away and tell her that maybe her riding with me isn’t a good idea, but not wanting to cause waves, I decide to go with it. It’s one car ride... How bad could it be?

When we exit the church, everyone is lined up by the front doors, shaking the groom’s hand and gushing over the bride before making their way outside. I spot Hope at the exact moment she spots me.

Her eyes dip to where Lucy’s arm is tucked in mine before her gaze comes back up to my face. A mixture of hurt and confusion tugs at her pretty features, even though she does her best to hide it.

I want to go to her, tell her it’s not what she thinks, but before I have a chance, she spins on her heel and quickly exits through the double glass doors into the parking lot.

“I’ll meet you outside,” I tell Lucy, unlatching her arm from mine before heading after Hope.

I scour the parking lot for her but can’t find her anywhere. It’s like she vanished into thin air.

“Hey, man.” A hand closes on my shoulder as Henry appears on my right.

“Hey,” I rush out. “Have you seen your sister?”

“She probably already left to take Mom home.” He shrugs.

“I just saw her a minute ago.” I do another sweep of the crowded parking lot, not sure I could pick out Wendy’s black car from the various others even if I knew it that well, which I don’t.