“When we first met, short of coming right out and saying so, I don’t think I could have been more obvious that I was interested in you. Yet when I told you that night at your house, you acted shocked, like the possibility that I could be attracted to you had never crossed your mind.”
“Because it didn’t,” I interject.
“You’re only making my point for me.” He crosses his arms in front of his chest and relaxes further back into the booth. “For two years I watched guys shamelessly flirt with you, vying for your attention. But no matter what they did, you never batted an eye. I used to find it amusing, watching them try and fail.”
“Okay, now I’m really confused.”
“Of course you are.” He chuckles.
“Would you stop beating around the bush and say what you want to say.”
“You have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?”
His words send my heart leaping directly into my throat, cutting off my ability to utter a reply.
“That’s my point. Everywhere you go, you’re the most beautiful woman in the room, yet you’re completely oblivious to the effect you have on people.”
“I think you’re delusional.” I huff.Could he be any more ridiculous?
“Think what you want, doesn’t make it any less true.”
“Can we just get back to whatever we were talking about before?” I ask, desperate to change the subject.
“Fine. But since you’ve told me how many people you’ve slept with, I guess it’s only right that I do the same for you.” He leans forward, resting his elbows on the table in front of him.
“I’m not sure I want to know,” I admit, the jealous feeling in the pit of my stomach already nagging at me.
“Well, too bad. Five,” he states bluntly.
“Five?” I question, thinking it’s not nearly as bad as I thought it would be, yet so much worse at the same time.
“Two before I came to Missouri. Lulu, which you already knew about. And two others since her.”
“Two before you came to Missouri. Jesus, how old were you the first time you had sex?”
“Fifteen,” he admits unapologetically.
“Fifteen?” I choke, my throat suddenly dry.
“Don’t look at me like that. Fifteen isn’tthatyoung.”
“Maybe not to you. But I hadn’t even kissed a boy at that age let alone considered sleeping with one.”
“Well, as you so bluntly put it earlier, Iama guy.”
“Stop it. You know I didn’t mean it like that.”
“That’s exactly how you meant it. And it’s fine. It’s not completely untrue.” He fidgets with the corner of his napkin. “So then JR...” He pauses. “He was your first?”
“He was,” I confirm.
“And it was only the one time?”
“Again, not that it’s any of your business, but yes. I ended things with him a couple of days later.”
“Because I was trying to force something that wasn’t there and that night made me realize it.”