Page 51 of Almost Never

“What are you doing here?” I’m in such a state of shock, I can’t think of one other thing to say as I pull back and look up at his handsome face.

“I flew in this morning. I’m actually here with one of my professors. He does some freelance writing forVanity Fairand comes to the city every so often for work. When I expressed interest in writing a serial to have published in a magazine, he suggested I come with him.”

Alec has always loved writing. But I am surprised to learn that he’s interested in writing for a magazine. Even though, once upon a time in high school, he had expressed interest in writing fiction one day, I always saw him as more of a news journalist. Maybe because he wrote for the school newspaper and had a talent for how he could spin any story into something everyone wanted to read.

“You’re writing a serial?” I cock a brow.

“Kind of. It’s far from finished but I’ve got a few things scribbled down.” He smiles and I get my first look at those dimples in nearly two years. I’d be lying if I said the sight didn’t make my knees wobble a little.

“Wow. I’m just...” I shake my head, still trying to process that he’s actually standing in front of me. “I can’t believe you’re here.” I step back out of the doorway. “Please, come in.”

He steps inside and pushes the door closed. My small room suddenly seems that much smaller with him standing inside of it.

“So, this is it.” He looks around the space. “It’s bigger than it looked on FaceTime.”

“It’s really messy right now. I’m sorry. Today is cleaning and laundry day.” I move around the room, quickly collecting the remaining articles of clothing from the floor. “Obviously, I wasn’t expecting company.”

“Well, I did kind of show up without calling first.” He shifts his weight from one foot to the other. “But we haven’t talked in a while and I wasn’t sure what to say.”

“So you thought showing up here unannounced would be easier?”

“I guess I really didn’t think about it. But I knew there was no way I was going to be within a couple hours of where you were and not come to see you.”

“So, you said you’re here with your professor?”

“Yeah, I’m his T.A. He’s at the hotel. We have a day full of meetings tomorrow and then we fly back out in the evening.”

“Wow. That’s fast.”

“Yeah, it’s just a short trip.” He rocks back on his heels. “I was kind of hoping I could steal you for a few hours. I wasn’t sure what you had going on today, but I know you don’t have class on Sunday. And if I remember right, you only work every other Sunday. I’m hoping I caught you on the off Sunday, considering you’re cleaning and doing laundry.”

“Actually, you did.” I drop the last items into the laundry basket and slide it to the side with my foot.

“So does that mean you can squeeze me into your busy schedule?” The way he looks at me makes my stomach feel like it’s doing backflips.

“I think I can make a little time for you.” I pull my bottom lip into my mouth to try to hide my smile.

Alec and I have remained friends during our time apart, but our relationship hasn’t been what it used to be. Time and distance have pulled us in different directions. Although I still feel close to him, I also feel like he’s a stranger in a lot of ways.

“Alright then, Russell. Perhaps you should do something with yourself.” He gestures to my outfit. “Don’t get me wrong, you look cute as hell. But I’m guessing you don’t want to show me around where you go to school and work wearing that.” He chuckles, the sound warming me from the inside out.

“Yeah, probably not.” I give him an apologetic look. “Actually, I really need to hop in the shower. Do you think you could give me a few minutes?”

“I showed up here without any warning and you’re willing to drop everything to spend time with me. So yeah, I think I can give you a few minutes to shower.”

“Perfect.” I turn, grabbing a pair of skinny jeans and a navy tunic out of my closet. It’s about the only decent outfit I have that’s not dirty.

As inconspicuously as possible, I retrieve a pair of panties and bra from my drawer before grabbing my shower tote off the top of my dresser.

“Give me ten,” I tell him, looking around the semi-messy room.

“I’ll do you one better.” He grins. “I’ll give you fifteen.”

“How generous of you,” I deadpan, giving him a playfully annoyed look.

“Are you going to go or are you going to stand there looking at me all day?” he teases.

“It’s just...” I stop with my hand on the doorknob. “I really can’t believe that you’re here right now.”