Page 47 of Almost Never

Chapter Thirteen


“There he is.” I hearmy father seconds before I spot him making his way through the crowd of people.

“Hey Dad.” I smile, accepting his standard one-armed hug accompanied by a firm pat on the back.

“Glad to have you here, son.” He takes a step back. “I’ve got Katy in the car waiting, so we should probably get going,” he tells me, hitching his thumb toward the exit.

Of course he brought his girlfriend with him. A girlfriend, who I might add, is almost young enough to bemygirlfriend. All hopes I had of reconnecting with my dad go flying out the window the instant he mentions her name. Because unless something has drastically changed since my last trip here over Christmas break, wherever Katy goes, my dad follows.

Hope’s face flashes through my mind, followed by the hollow pit that has formed in my stomach every time I’ve thought of her over the last fourteen hours.

I still can’t believe the way we left things. I almost didn’t board my plane this morning. But then I thought about what Hope would want and I knew getting on the plane was my only option.

So here I am. In California. Feeling a million miles away from the only person that I want to be near.

It’s crazy how quickly things can change. How one choice can send your entire world spinning in the opposite direction. Had I not gone looking for Hope. Had I not gone into her room. Had I not gotten the idea to leave her a note. None of this would have happened.

I would be here, blissfully unaware that the girl I’ve been secretly pining after for nearly two years was also pining after me. And while it would be hard to be away from Hope regardless, this feels difficult on a whole different level. Because now I know the truth.

I think about the saying that the truth shall set you free, but I can’t help but think what a crock of shit that is.

I think I was better off not knowing how she really felt. At least then I could continue on in my bubble of denial and not face a truth I’ve been trying to hide from for months.

The truth that I’m in love with Hope Russell. The truth that I always have been. The truth that she can never be mine...

That last one cuts the deepest.

“Must be a lot of people traveling for the start of summer.” My dad’s voice pulls me back to the present. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen the airport quite this busy.”

“Yeah,” I numbly agree, following my dad outside and across the lot to where Katy is waiting in the passenger seat of his Range Rover.

“I made reservations for the three of us tonight at Rachet’s. I remember how much you always liked that place.”

“Awesome. Thanks.” I try to keep my voice void of the irritation I feel over the reservations being for the three of us rather than the two of us, as I drop my bags into the hatch before climbing into the backseat.

I pull my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans and switch it off of airplane mode. Seconds later it pings with a text message.

My pulse quickens at the sight of Hope’s name on the screen.

Hope: Text me once you’ve landed. You know I won’t be able to relax until I know you’ve made it there safely.

My fingers move across the screen as I type out a reply.

Me: Just made it. I have dinner plans with Dad and Katy tonight. Oh joy.

I hit send, knowing she’ll catch the sarcasm in my statement. She got to hear all about Katy the last time I was in California.

Hope:Play nice. You’re only there for a couple of months. Try to make the best of it.

Me:That would be a lot easier to do if you were with me.

I stare at the text message for a long moment before finally hitting send, not sure how she will interpret what I’m saying.

Two days ago she wouldn’t have second guessed my intentions. But now, everything is different. We’re different.

And as much as I wish we could go back, I know we can’t. There’s a part of me that’s glad we can’t because kissing her was probably the single best moment of my entire life. No matter how much it complicated where we are now.