Chapter Twenty-five
The two weeks withAbel are effortless. We don’t talk about feelings or the future or anything of any real substance. But we’d laughed. We’d made love. And we’d spent the last few days really getting to know each other. And the more I learn, the harder I fall.
It’s impossible not to love a man who’s impossibly perfect for you in every single way imaginable.
But as much as I’ve loved every minute with Abel, I’m grateful for my upcoming business trip to New York. I need a minute to remove myself completely. A moment where I can think, without the cloud of Abel consuming me.
I’m drowning in him.
Plain and simple.
I think it will be good for me to take a step back.
“You about ready?” Henna pops her head into my bedroom as I’m zipping my suitcase.
“Yep.” I pull the case to the floor and roll it toward her.
“Nothing like last minute packing.” Henna snorts. “What happened to my planner?” she teases.
“She’s been a bit preoccupied,” I say, knowing that may be a bit of an understatement.
“I’ll say.” She smiles as I slide past her out into the hallway.
“Thank you again for driving me.” I stop at the front door and slide on my flats. “I really didn’t want to leave my car at the airport.”
“And miss getting up at four a.m. Never,” she drones out sarcastically.
“Drink some coffee and perk up, buttercup. I need you alert and awake. I’d like to make it to New York in one piece.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m awake,” she says, both of us jumping when a knock sounds on the door.
“Who in the...” Henna trails off, stomping toward the door.
Again, this is where a peephole would come in handy. But Henna doesn’t care, she tears the door open without a moment’s hesitation.
“Well, well, well,” I hear her say as I turn, my eyes honing in on the man standing in the doorway.
“Abel?” I say, my voice coming out as shocked as I feel.
“Hey.” He rocks back on his heels. “I thought maybe I’d see if you still wanted me to take you to the airport.”
“I thought you had to work last night?” That’s the reason he gave me when he said he couldn’t take me. Why we had our physical goodbye before his gig.
“I did. But when I went home afterward I couldn’t sleep. And since I couldn’t sleep and you need a ride, I thought why not.” He shrugs.
“So you’re taking her to the airport?” Henna steps back, allowing Abel to enter the apartment.
“If that’s okay.” He looks at me and I immediately nod.
It’s okay. More than okay, actually.
“If it means I can go back to bed, I’m all for it,” Henna interjects.
“You can go back to bed,” he tells her.