Chapter Twenty-two
Abel: So I was thinking...
I smile at my phone that’s lying face up on my desk. Picking it up, I slide my finger across the screen to unlock it right as another message comes through.
Abel: How would you feel about sushi tonight?
Me: Are you done with our game already? Three dares and you’re ready to throw in the towel?
I laugh to myself, remembering last weekend when I took Abel to Perry House, a small little eatery on the outskirts of the city. Per the rules of our game, every place we go that he’s never been, he owes me a dare. So far, I’m three for three and it hasn’t even been two weeks. While the other two dares were fun, last week it took a turn into something else. I blame the wine or Abel or maybe it was a combination of them both. Whatever it was, whenI dare you to take me to the bathroom...came out of my mouth, I was equally shocked and excited by the fact that he didn’t hesitate for a second.
I guess it’s safe to say I’ve checkedhave sex in a public bathroomoff my list. Not that it actually existed on my must do list, as it was never something I considered doing. But that didn’t make it any less amazing, and the excitement over the possibility of getting caught only added to the intensity of it all.
Abel: Throw in the towel? After last time? Not a chance.
I cover my mouth with my hand to stifle a laugh.
Abel: I just thought if I picked the type of restaurant the odds would be better stacked in my favor. You’ve had three dares. I think it’s about time I got one.
Me: And what, do tell, are you planning on making me do if you win?
Abel: Oh no, I’m not telling you that.
I try to shake away the ridiculous smile lighting up my whole face but it’s useless. That damn thing isn’t going anywhere. Not when Abel is involved.
Me: Guess I’ll have to find a sushi restaurant you’ve never been to.
Abel: Good luck with that.
Me: We shall see.
Abel: So tonight? Meet at my house at seven?
Me: It’s a date. I’ll see you then.
“Someone looks happy.” I look up, jumping slightly at the sight of my boss, John, lingering in my office doorway.
“Oh hey.” I lock my phone and lay it face down on my desk. “Henna being Henna,” I blurt out the first excuse I can think of.
“What did she do this time?” He smiles, sliding into the office.
“You don’t even want to know.” I force a laugh that I think sounds somewhat natural.
“Now, why does that only make me want to know more?” He chuckles, stopping directly in front of my desk.
“So, what’s up?” I completely dodge the topic, folding my hands in front of myself.
“I wanted to touch base with you about our upcoming trip to New York. I know it’s still a couple weeks out, but I want to make sure everything has been communicated to you about your flight and hotel information.”
“Yes, Bev sent everything over the other day. I didn’t know we were flying first class.”
“Anytime I can, I do. Trust me, you’ll never want to fly coach again after this trip.”
“Great.” I smile. “Because that’s all I can afford. Not that I fly much.”