Page 83 of What Comes After

“Easy,” I tell her. “Your lie is that your favorite color is pink.”

“Incorrect. My favorite colorispink.”

“Well, shit. Okay. You weren’t a cheerleader in high school.”

“Wrong again.”

“You hate rap music?” I cock my head, finding this little piece of information surprising.

“Despise it.” She nods.

“Really? I find it hard to believe you hateallrap music.”

“I’m not saying there hasn’t been a song or two over the years that I’ve enjoyed, but rap music as a whole isn’t my thing. All the bass gives me a headache.”

“So then youwerea cheerleader in high school?” I give her a sly grin. “Let’s talk more about that.”

“Let’s not. I’m embarrassed even thinking about it.” She covers her face with her hand.

“Don’t be embarrassed. The thought of you jumping around in a tiny little skirt is really doing it for me.”

“Is that so?” She giggles.

“In fact, I think you should show me what you got.”

“What?” She snorts, shaking her head no.

“I’m serious. Show me.”

“There is no way I’m cheering in front of you.”

“I dare you,” I challenge.


“I triple dog dare you.”

“What are we, twelve?” She laughs.

“Oh come on. One cheer.” I pout out my bottom lip.

“Lord.” She lets out a loud, dramatic sigh, pushing herself up off the couch. Setting her water on the coffee table, she crosses to the other side where there’s an open space between the table and the television. “Don’t laugh.” She narrows her gaze at me.

I make an X motion across my heart.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she mutters to herself as she gets into position. “Give me a V. Dot the I. Curl the C. TORY. Turn around, touch the ground, bring it up, and break it down,” she chants, rolling her arms and clapping. “Let’s go, Warriors. Come on, let’s go, Warriors.” She waves her hands in the air at the end of the cheer. “Go Warriors!” she yells, kicking her leg.

I clap, the smile on my face no doubt giving away how amused I am by this.

“Yep, I can totally see it now,” I tell her.

“Shut it.” She sticks her tongue out at me, her hands going to her hips.

“Can you do all those flips and jumps too?” I ask.


“Show me.”