Page 78 of What Comes After

“I get that. You lost someone you love, Abel. But eventually you’re going to have to learn to start letting people back in.”

“I’m working on it.” He shrugs.

“Okay, enough with the heavy.” I pat his leg before sliding out of bed.

“Where are you going?”

“Weare going to get out of this apartment.”

“And do what?” He watches me slip on my shorts, his gaze honing in on my bare chest. I can’t stop the smile that curves up the corners of my mouth.

“Something. Anything. I don’t care.” I latch my bra before snagging my tank off the floor.

“What if I just want to stay here with you?” he asks, making my heart flip inside my chest.

“I mean, I would love that. But Henna will be home soon, and I’m guessing you don’t want to be here when she gets here.”

“Yeah, that’s probably not the greatest idea,” he agrees, finally moving off the bed.

I get why he doesn’t want anyone to know about us right now. This whole thing is still so new and it’s hard to keep things casual if everyone and their mother knows. Casual means uncomplicated and people tend to complicate things.

That doesn’t mean I’m not still holding out hope that this will become something more. I’d have to be crazy not to be. Abel is the entire package. He’s good looking, funny, extremely talented, among many other things. He’s everything I’ve been waiting for and so much more. With the exception of what he’s been through, that does tend to make this situation a little trickier. But I’m willing to put in the work because Abel is worth it. He’s so, so worth it.


“How did you find thisplace?” Abel gestures around the dimly lit, basement style restaurant.

“Henna. She has a knack for finding places that most people have never heard of.”

“She must, because I was pretty certain I had eaten at just about every restaurant in Chicago and I didn’t even know this place existed.”

“Don’t say that, because then I’ll have to make it my mission to see how many times I can prove you wrong.” I smile, lifting my wine glass to my lips.

“I don’t know, that might be fun,” he counters with a shrug.

“Okay, then.” I lean forward. “You’re on.”

“So what, you’re going to take me to the most obscure places in the city to see if I’ve been there?” He chuckles.

“Pretty much.” I laugh, taking another drink of wine.

“Okay, but we need to heighten the stakes.” He leans back, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

“What do you have in mind?” I ask, liking the sound of where this is going.

“For every place you take me that I’ve already been to you owe me a dare.”

“A dare?” I question with a smile.

“I can dare you to do anything and you have to do it.”

“Hmm.” I consider this offer. “Okay, I’ll agree to that under one condition.”

“Which is?”

“That if you haven’t been thereyouowe me a dare.”

“Trying to even the playing field I see.” He laughs.