Her response comes almost immediately.
Peyton: Oh, okay. No problem. I hope everything is okay.
Me: Everything’s fine. I just had something come up that I have to take care of.
Peyton: Do you know when you’ll be home?
Me: Not sure yet. Could be a day. Could be a few. I won’t know until I get there.
The dots bounce across my screen for several moments and then disappear, like she was typing something but changed her mind. They reappear again after a few seconds before her next message fills the screen.
Peyton: Be safe. Text me when you’re home.
Abel: Will do.
I lock my phone and let out a hard breath, shoving the device into my bag.
“Everything okay?” Claire nudges my shoulder with hers.
“Yeah, everything’s fine.”
“Was that Peyton?” she asks knowingly.
“I like her.” She smiles.
“Yeah, me too.” I shrug like it’s nothing.
“She seems like someone that would keep you on your toes. You need someone like her in your life.”
“Why, when I have you?” I divert, not wanting to get into this with Claire right now.
I need to figure out what the hell it is we’re really doing and how I feel about it before I share it with Claire. Talking to my aunt is one thing. I’m not ready to have to answer a ton of questions I’m sure Claire will have when I’m not sure I have any answers to give.
“Ha. Ha. Aren’t we the funny one today?” She crinkles her nose at me.
“I’m always the funny one,” I counter.
“You wish.” She rolls her eyes.
“I’m trying really hard not to be offended right now,” I tell her on a laugh.
“But it’s working as a distraction, isn’t it?”
“So that’s what you’re doing? Trying to distract me?” I give her a disbelieving look.
“Maybe.” She shrugs. “Or maybe I’m trying to let you down easy because really, Abel, you aren’t that funny.”
“You’re lucky I love you, Claire Roberts.”
“You’re lucky I love you, Abel Collins,” she fires back.
Before I can think of a witty comeback, our flight number is called and everything I’ve been trying so hard not to think about comes boiling back to the surface.
The questions that have sounded over and over in my head since I received Chuck’s call this morning.
Am I doing the right thing?