Page 62 of What Comes After

“If she stays I might, but if she’s not staying I probably won’t.”

“Well then, let’s find out.” He grabs my hand and tugs me toward the door.

The minute we step inside we’re accosted by loud music and the roar of laughter and conversations taking place all around us. Abel pulls me through the house so quickly I don’t have time to look around.

I can tell you that the place is incredible. High ceilings. Expensive furniture. No doubt decorated by a professional designer. Not to mention each individual room is about the size of my entire apartment, maybe bigger.

We find Henna in the back, in what I assume is the game room considering there are arcade games, a ping pong table, a pool table, along with many other little things set up throughout the space. She’s standing next to the pool table laughing at Aaron who looks aggravated.

“I take it you beat him.” Abel slides in next to Claire who’s looking quite pleased with herself.

“Didn’t know I could play pool.” She smiles, her gaze sliding to me for a split second before going back to Abel. “Turns out I’m actually quite good.”

“’Bout time someone put my brother in his place.” Abel laughs.

“Okay, who’s next?” Nick appears at Claire’s other side, dropping his arm over her shoulder. The action causes her smile to spread and it becomes very obvious that she’s into him and that he’s into her. I relax a little.

“I think me and Peyton might like a go,” Abel volunteers us.

“Um, you might want to rethink that. I’m quite possibly the worst pool player ever.”

“Oh, come on. You can’t be that bad. Who knows, maybe you’ll surprise yourself. I know I did,” Claire encourages me.

“Please.” Abel pouts out his bottom lip and I instantly wonder how much he’s had to drink. He seems so much more laid back than usual. There’s a playfulness to him that I don’t think I’ve ever seen before.

“Fine.” I cave, knowing there’s no way I can resist that face. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“You’re going down,” Nick playfully boasts, crossing to the opposite side of the table where he proceeds to collect the balls and place them in the rack.

“Probably,” I mutter, walking over to where Henna is consoling the sore loser that is her boyfriend.

“Hey.” She smiles when I slide up next to them.


“Here.” Abel appears at my side, sliding a pool stick into my hand. “Hey, Henna, are you and Aaron planning on staying here tonight.”

“That was the plan.” She nods.

“Perfect.” Abel smiles at me. “I’ll be right back.” He hands me his pool stick and quickly walks away.

“What is he up to?” Henna cocks her head to the side.

“No idea,” I answer honestly.

“I see we scared your partner before the game even began,” Nick calls over to me from across the table.

“Abel doesn’t scare off,” Claire informs him. “He’ll be back.”

As if right on cue, Abel reappears with a fresh beer in one hand and a red solo cup in the other. Stepping up next to me, he holds the cup out to me.

“If I remember right, you’re quite fond of long islands. Though I can’t promise I’m very good at making them.”

“I said I wasn’t drinking.” I smile, taking the drink anyway.

“No, you asked if Henna was staying and she is,” he corrects. “Therefore, so are you. Now taste it and tell me how I did.”

I try to fight the smile threatening to spill across my lips but it’s no use. You would think I would’ve learned by now that my attempts are in vain when Abel is involved.