Page 60 of What Comes After

“Oh yeah?” I question, not sure why this makes me feel a whole hell of a lot better.

I know that Claire is Abel’s friend, his sister-in-law too, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little threatened by her. She’s Finley’s sister, which means her and Abel no doubt share a very deep and special connection. That happens when you share a loss with someone.

“Yes, now stop being weird and get your ass in here.”

“I’m not being weird.”

“Yeah, okay. Says the girl sitting in her car too afraid of a boy to come inside.”

“I’m not afraid of a boy.”

“No, you’re just afraid of what that boy makes you feel.”

“What are we, teenagers?”

“You tell me. You’re the one acting like one.”

“Gahhh,” I half yell, half laugh.

“Just get your ass in here.”

“Fine, but you have to come out and walk me inside.”

“You’re joking, right?” She laughs.

“No, Henna, I’m not joking. Seriously, come outside.”

“Oh my god. Fine. Give me a minute.”

“Okay, thank you.”

Pulling down the visor, I check myself in the mirror. After leaving Dad’s I touched up my makeup and applied a soft pink lipstick that highlights my lips without actually really changing the color.

My hair is pinned back on the sides, hanging in loose waves down my back. It’s my go to style when I want to try but not really look like I’m trying.

I close the visor just in time to see Henna making her way toward me. She’s dressed in a slinky red dress, her long black hair flowing in the wind as she walks.


I glance down at my dark shorts and white off the shoulder top, wishing like hell I would have asked Henna what she was wearing before settling on this outfit. It’s cute and all but now I’m gonna have to walk in next to Henna, looking like that.

“What the fuck?” She lifts her arms as she approaches.

“What?” I swing open the car door and climb out.

“You asked me to meet you outside. You didn’t say I’d have to walk all the way down here to get your ass.”

“Oh, shut it.” I wave her off, shutting the car door before clicking the lock button on my key fob. Shoving my keys into my pocket, I turn and face Henna. “Um...” I gesture to her dress.

“What? You don’t like it?” Her hands go to her hips.

“No, it’s not that. I just didn’t realize it wasthatkind of party.”

“What? The kind where you can wear a cute dress?”

“Um, err, yeah,” I stutter.

“Girl, you know me. Any excuse I can get to pull one of these bad boys out of the closet.” She smiles. “Besides, you look super cute.”