Page 46 of What Comes After

“I do not have a thing,” I lie and fail miserably at doing so. Even I don’t believe the words coming out of my mouth at this point.

“Who has a thing?” Abel suddenly reappears, seemingly out of thin air.

“Peyton,” Aaron tells him, leaning in close to his brother.

“Peyton what?” Abel questions, his gaze going to me.

“Peyton is ready to go home,” I interrupt in hopes of derailing Aaron.

“Peyton,” he slurs, “has a thing for you, little brother.” He shoves Abel’s shoulder.

“Oh my god.” I groan and shake my head. “Don’t listen to him. He’s so drunk he doesn’t know his ass from his nose.”

“Eww.” Aaron crinkles his nose. “How would I not know my ass from my nose?”

“On that note.” Abel laughs, hooking his brother under the arm and lifting him to his feet. “I think it’s time we get you home.”

“I’m not going home,” Aaron objects.

“He’s coming home with me.” Henna leans across the table and wiggles her eyebrows at Abel.

“Oh my god, Henna. We get it.” I push off my stool, swaying slightly when my feet hit the floor.

“You okay?” Abel’s eyes are glued on me.

“Yeah, just stood up too fast. You get him, I’ll get her.” I hitch my thumb at Henna.

“Maybe I should just take turns getting all three of you.” He gives me a knowing look.

“Nah, I got this.” I swipe my hand through the air. “Come on, Henna Boo.” I pull her up next to me. “Let’s get you and lover boy home.”

“Lover boy.” She giggles.

“Lead the way,” I tell Abel, hooking my arm around Henna’s shoulder and securing her to me.

“Okay.” He gives me one last look before he guides his brother from the bar, me and Henna fast on his heels.

Getting Henna into the car proves even more difficult than getting hertothe car. She tends to get a bit lovey and as such, she keeps grabbing my face and telling me how much she loves me.

“Abel, a little help.” I finally give up after my fourth attempt at guiding her into the backseat.

Abel shuts the door once he has Aaron in and crosses to the other side of the car. Stepping around Henna, he swoops her up so he’s cradling her like a baby. I’m instantly jealous of my too drunk friend.

“You’re hot.” She giggles, petting his face. “Peyton and you are two hot tamales. You should make sweet love and create some equally beautiful babies.” Her words are so slurred I can barely decipher what she said.

“What did she just say?” Abel cocks a brow at me.

“Ignore her. When she gets drunk she talks in cursive.”

He looks at me for a long moment like he’s trying to figure out whatIjust said, then out of nowhere he bursts into laughter.

“You’re funny,” Henna tells him.

“And you’re getting into the backseat now.” He leans down and plops her in the car next to Aaron, shutting the door before she can try to escape.

“Sorry, she’s like a wild animal sometimes.”

“Nothing I haven’t seen before.” He chuckles. “Here.” He steps back and pulls open the passenger door for me.