Page 37 of What Comes After

“Are you done now?” I laugh at her ridiculous behavior.

“Not until you agree to come with us on Thursday.”

“Henna.” I shake my head.

“Please, Peyton. Just come with us and if by the end of the night you’re convinced there’s nothing to explore then I won’t say another word on the matter. You have my word.”

“Why is this so important to you?”

“Because I want to see you happy.”


“And because Aaron wants to see Abel happy.”

“Please don’t tell me Aaron is in on this too,” I grumble.

“Just say yes, Peyton. It’s one night of your life. What’s it gonna hurt?”

I resist the urge to tell her just how much it might hurt and instead consider my options. I can either sit at home on Thursday and obsess over not going to see Abel or I can go see Abel and obsess over him while I watch him play. Either way I’m obsessing over a man that I can’t have.

“You promise you’ll get off my ass if I go?”

“Cross my heart.” She makes an X over her heart with her pointer finger.

“If I tell you I’ll think about it, will that be an acceptable answer for the time being.”

“As long as I’ll think about it equates to a yes, then yes, I’ll accept it.”

“You’re impossible, you realize this, right?”

“And that’s what makes me so damn lovable.”

“Yeah, let’s go with that.” I give her a knowing look, laughter filling the car moments later.