Page 113 of What Comes After

“But I thought you said...” I gawk at her, unable to understand why those weren’t the first words she said to me the moment I walked in the door.

“Her arm is shattered.” Aaron stands, sliding his hand into Henna’s. “They have to go in and try to stabilize it by placing rods and pins.”

“But she’s going to be okay?” I’m almost afraid to be hopeful.

“She’s going to be okay,” Henna confirms.

“I don’t understand. What happened?” I ask.

“We went to lunch and we were on our way back to Peyton’s office. It all happened so fast. We were waiting at a cross walk. The light turned and Peyton stepped out into the street. I was right behind her, but far enough away that when the car swung around the corner it missed me.” Her chin quivers. “One minute she was rolling up on the hood of the car, the next she was on the ground and I couldn’t get her to open her eyes.” She covers her mouth with her hand to muffle her sob.

“She’s going to be okay,” Aaron soothes.

“I know. I know.” Henna takes a deep breath to steady herself. “It was just so scary. And every time I close my eyes I see her laying there. It’s like it’s on an endless loop and I can’t shut it off.”

“Did the doctor say if she suffered any other injuries?” I ask.

“A concussion. A couple broken ribs. Some scrapes and bruises.”

“And the person who hit her?”

“Not sure.” Henna shrugs. “She was being questioned by the police when the ambulance showed up.”

“Probably some stupid woman texting and driving, not paying attention,” Aaron huffs.

“Peyton’s dad said he’s going to call the station in a little bit and see if he can find out more information.”

“Is he here? Peyton’s father?” I ask, looking around the otherwise empty waiting area.

“Yeah. That’s how we found out what was going on. They wouldn’t tell me anything until he showed up. He just stepped out to call Peyton’s stepmom and update her. I guess she’s on her way too.” Her gaze darts to something behind me. “There he is.”

I turn to see an older man with sandy colored hair making his way toward us. It isn’t until he reaches us that I get a really good look at him. He’s about my height, but a bit broader than me. He has Peyton’s eyes, or rather she has his. It’s the first thing I notice when his gaze comes to mine.

“Abel, this is Chuck, Peyton’s dad. Chuck, this is Peyton’s err... friend, Abel.” She stumbles over what to call me.

“Sir.” I reach out and take his hand which he immediately shakes.

“It’s nice to meet you, Abel.”

“You as well.” I release his hand.

“My daughter seems quite taken with you,” he tells me, giving me a once over. I’m a little surprised by his statement. I hadn’t realized she had told her family about me. Then again, the subject hasn’t really come up, other than her asking me a couple days ago if I was interested in meeting them. When I said yes, this isn’t really what I had in mind.

“Well, I’m quite taken with her too, sir,” I admit.

He nods, an air of understanding passing between us before he turns his attention back to Henna.

“She’s in surgery now. The doctor said it will be a few hours. If you guys want to leave, I’d be happy to call you as soon as she’s in recovery.”

“We can stay and keep you company. I want to be here when she wakes up.”

“Tina is on her way. Besides, she’ll be out of surgery for a while before they let anyone back to see her. You’ve had a rough day. Go home. Take a shower. Get something to eat. I promise I’ll call you as soon as I know anything.”

“Okay,” Henna reluctantly agrees, turning to gather her belongings from the chair. “Abel?” She turns toward me.

“I’m staying,” I tell her bluntly.

“Maybe you should come with us,” Aaron suggests.