Page 111 of What Comes After

“That’s exactly it.” Claire slows as the dog park comes into view. “Look, Sadie Bell, there it is.” She talks to her dog like it’s a baby.

I can’t help but bark out a laugh.

“Are you laughing at me right now?” Her squinted gaze slides to my face.

“Never.” I feign innocence.

“Come on, baby, let’s go play. Mean Uncle Abel can stand on the other side of the fence and watch,” she speaks directly to the dog.

“What, am I in time out now?” I throw my hands up when Claire starts to walk away.

She gets all of ten feet before she turns back around. The way the sun hits her skin, lighting her whole face, I swear she’s never looked more like Finley. But instead of hurting like I expect it to, like it used to, it actually brings a smile to my face. Because I want to remember her. Always.

“Are you coming or what?” She taps her foot impatiently.

“I thought I wasn’t invited.” I smirk.

“Oh shut it and come on.” She laughs, waiting until I’ve joined them before continuing on.

“So, do you love her?” She reverts back to our previous conversation as she leans down and releases Sadie from her leash.

“I think so.” I lean back against the fence that surrounds the park.

“You think so?”

“I love her,” I admit to Claire at the same moment I’m admitting it to myself.

I’ve known it’s been there, in the background...slowly simmering. I just don’t think I realized it until the moment Claire asked me. Or maybe I did and I wasn’t ready to emotionally deal with what that meant at the time.

“Do you love Nick?” I quickly add, hoping to steer the conversation back to her. She’s been pretty hush, hush about the whole Nick thing and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little curious.

“I wouldn’t say I love him, but I really, really like him.”

“Think there might be a future there?”

“Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.” She shrugs. “What about you and Peyton? Think there’s a future there?”

“Guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

“Darn it. Sadie’s over there stealing that dog’s toy.” She takes off in her direction. “This conversation isn’t over,” she calls over her shoulder.

“Never thought it was,” I mutter after she’s long out of earshot.


I’ve just said goodbyeto Claire and am making my way toward my car when my phone starts ringing. Dragging it out of my pocket, I’m a little confused when I see Henna’s name flashing across the screen.

“Henna?” I question, lifting the phone to my ear.

“It’s Peyton,” she blurts, not bothering with pleasantries.

“What’s Peyton?” I ask, a nervous knot forming in the pit of my stomach.

“She’s been in an accident. We’re at the hospital.”

“What do you mean she’s been in an accident? What kind of accident?” I can’t keep the emotion from my voice.

“She was hit by a car walking across the street.” The instant I process her words I feel the ground sway beneath my feet.