Page 109 of What Comes After

“Peyton and I have a little game we like to play whenever we go out to eat,” Abel starts.

“Okay,” Henna draws out. “Which is?”

“I try to find a restaurant he’s never been to and if I succeed, he has to fulfill one dare of my choosing,” I jump in to answer.

“And if I have been there,” Abel takes back over, “Then Peyton has to fulfill one dare ofmychoosing.”

“Oh, I like this game.” Henna bounces in her seat.

“So, I think, because we’re eating together, and he’s never had this pizza place before, that I should win a dare,” I say.

“And I say because she didn’t pick the restaurant, the winning argument is null and void,” Abel argues.

“Hmm.” Henna taps her chin. “Realistically it could go either way. But, I think I’m with Peyton on this one.”

“You’re only with Peyton because you want Abel to have to do a dare,” Aaron jumps to Abel’s defense.

“Thank you.” Abel nods to his brother.

“Looks like we’re at an impasse.” Henna leans back in her seat. “Shame. It would have been fun to witness whatever crazy thing you’d make him do.”

“Fun for you maybe,” Abel interjects.

I know it’s something so insignificant, sitting around a table sharing a meal with my best friend, her boyfriend, and the man I’m now officially dating. It’s something that happens every day, yet to me it feels monumental on a level I can’t even begin to process.

Because this is the first time this has happened when there are no secrets between us. Where everything is out in the open and we can exist like a normal couple. I didn’t realize just how much I needed that until now.

We spend the next two hours lounging around my apartment, laughing and talking. I’ve seen Abel around his brothers before but never in such a laid-back fashion. The two, I’m finding, are a lot alike in a lot of ways, yet so different from each other at the same time. It’s nice to see another side of Abel.

It’s just after ten when Henna announces she’s going to bed. Aaron has to work early in the morning, so he decides to head out, and while I expect Abel to use Aaron’s exit as an excuse to leave himself, he doesn’t even budge when Aaron says his goodbyes and Henna walks him out.

Instead he pulls me closer, dropping his arm over my shoulder as he secures me to his side.

“Are you tired?” Abel traces his fingers lightly up my arm, causing my skin to prickle.

“Not really,” I admit. “That nap earlier kind of ruined me.”

“Yeah, me too. I guess we could always give Henna a taste of her own medicine, seeing how we’re both wide awake and all.”

“A taste of her own medicine?” I laugh, turning my gaze up to his face.

“You know, thin walls,” he whispers even though we’re completely alone.

“I like the way your mind works.” I giggle when he abruptly pops up off the couch, pulling me up with him.

“We’ve got a lot of payback to make up for. Might as well start now.” He winks before leaning down and effortlessly tossing me over his shoulder.

“Abel,” I squeal, laughing when he swats my backside. “I can walk, you know.”

“Yeah, but this is so much more fun.”