Page 107 of What Comes After

“Abel.” I drag my nails gently up his back.

“It would be so easy.” He slowly begins to move, his body sliding against mine. “To lose myself in you.” He kisses my cheek. “To let myself fall.” His lips move to mine. “It would be so easy.” His words whisper against my mouth.

It sounds like he’s saying he could fall in love with me. My heart constricts in my chest and my lungs suddenly feel unable to properly pass air.

“Then do it,” I say, not even knowing exactly what I’m telling him to do. I don’t get a chance to find out either, because Abel silences me with an earth-shattering kiss that rockets through me like fireworks going off under my skin.

His hands are everywhere, his lips, his touch. It’s everywhere. Like he’s branding me with an iron, claiming every single inch of me as his own.

And I let him. I let him claim me, over and over again. Because when it comes to Abel Collins, I want to be claimed. I want him to know that every piece and part of me is his. Especially my heart.


“Honey, I’m home,” Hennasings through the house and I shoot upright, my eyes going to where Abel is sleeping in my bed next to me.

After we had physically exhausted ourselves we must have dozed off.

I shake Abel’s shoulder.

“Hey, wake up,” I whisper yell. “Abel.” I shake him harder.

He groans, his eyes sliding open.

“Henna’s home.”

“And?” He rolls to his side, snaking his arm around my middle to pull me back down with him.

“And? She doesn’t knock. She could walk in here at any moment.”

“Well then I guess it’s a good thing there’s a blanket.” He pulls the comforter up over us.

“You don’t care if she walks in and finds us in bed together?” I turn to my side to face him.

“No.” He lifts his hand to brush a strand of hair away from my face. “She already knows. Besides, it’s a little late to try and sneak out now.” He grins.

“I feel like a teenager waiting for my mom to walk in and find me in bed with a boy.”

“Well, if we’re going to get caught, perhaps we should be doing something worth catching.” He lifts his eyebrows suggestively.

“Shut up.” I push playfully at his chest, rolling to my back.

“Knock, knock,” Henna’s voice floats from the hallway seconds before my bedroom door swings open. “Are you in bed?” She laughs, stopping dead in her tracks when her eyes slide to the man next to me. “Well hell, you could have at least warned me that y’all were in here indecent and shit.”

“Sorry.” Abel chuckles, acting completely at ease. I don’t know when it happened, but at some point things changed. I think it was so gradual that I didn’t even notice until it was staring me right in the face.

“If you two are going to be done anytime soon, Aaron and I bought pizza.” She gestures in the vicinity of the kitchen.

“I could go for some pizza.” Abel props up on his elbow so that he’s hovering above me. “You hungry?” He looks down at me.

“Starving.” I smile up at him.

“Okay, we’re in,” he tells Henna.

“Perfect.” She claps her hands together. “I’ll tell Aaron to grab a couple extra plates.” With that, she spins around and promptly exits the room, pulling the door closed behind her.

“You just made her day.” I press up and kiss his jaw before rolling out of bed.

“I did?”