Chapter Eighteen
“Hey there.” Aunt Claudiaslides into the booth across from me. “How’s the shake?” She gestures to the frozen drink in front of me.
“It’s good.” I smile, twisting the glass in between my hands.
“Everything okay?”
“If I tell you something, do you think you could keep it just between us?” I ask.
“How many times have you asked me that and how many times have I told you no?” She gives me a knowing look.
“Never.” I chuckle.
“Exactly. So, lay it on me, kid.” She’s referred to me that way since I was a literal kid. I have a feeling she’s not going to stop anytime soon.
“I met someone,” I say, letting the words I’ve been holding in so desperately flow freely from my lips.
“You met someone?” she repeats, waiting for me to continue.
“Peyton.” I smile at her name, still not sure how it makes me feel that I can’t even say her name without smiling.
After the other night I can’t think straight. She’s on my mind constantly, except she’s not the only one there. I swear I’ve never felt so conflicted about something in my entire life. And while we haven’t actually spoken since Sven’s party, I have a feeling she’s probably thinking about me just as much.
“You look happy,” Claudia observes, pulling me back to the present.
“I am. Well, for the most part.”
“For the most part?” she questions.
“Well, the thing is, we’re trying this whole casual thing, and to keep things as uncomplicated as possible, we’ve decided to keep it between us. At least for now.”
“And so you’re telling me why?”
“Because I need some advice and you’re the only one I could think of that won’t judge me and will give it to me straight.”
“Well at least I’m good for something.” She gives me a toothy grin.
“You’re good for more than that. But I really do need your advice.”
“Okay.” She waits for me to continue.
“The thing is, I really like this girl.”
“Okay, so what’s the problem?”
“Thatisthe problem.” I scratch the scruff on my chin. “On one hand, I feel happier than I have in a very long time. On the other I feel guilty.”
“Because of Finley?”
“That, and because I feel like I’m leading her on.”
“Did she agree to the casual relationship?”