Page 31 of What Comes After

“You’re a good dad,” I tell him, clasping him on the shoulder. It’s rare that I see Alex show even a sliver of vulnerability, and while it would be easy to give him shit, the way he would likely do me, I don’t have it in me to do so.

“Thanks, man.” His gaze goes back to Andrew who keeps fidgeting with the cuffs of his tuxedo jacket. “Wonder how long it will be before Sam starts popping out little Andrews.”

“You really think they’ll have kids? Neither strike me as the parenting type.”

“I think they will. At least I hope they will. My kids are going to need cousins to play with. Considering Adam is married to his job and you and Aaron aren’t seeing anyone, Andrew is my only hope.”

“Aaron’s seeing someone.”

“Yeah, for all of two weeks. You know Aaron. How long do you think that will actually last?”

“He seems to really like this one.”

“What are you two talking about?” Aaron chooses this moment to step into the conversation.

“How I need Andrew to pop out some babies since none of you fuckers are on your way to giving Malory cousins anytime soon.”

“Yeah, they can have fun with that. I don’t want kids.” He crinkles his nose.

“You say that now. Wait until you meet the right girl,” Alex disagrees.

I’d met the right girl. Someone I saw myself having children with. Someone I wanted to grow old with. Unfortunately, fate had other plans.

I swallow past the hard knot that forms at the base of my throat. Today is already so much harder than I’d anticipated.

“Speaking of the right girl.” Aaron’s gaze goes off into the distance and a wide smile pulls up the corners of his lips.

Alex and I follow his line of sight to see the bridesmaids making their way toward us. My eyes hone in on Peyton and it’s like everyone else disappears.

She looks incredible. The elegant blue dress she’s wearing clings to her slender frame in all the right places, accented by the way her hair is pulled up off her shoulders with little tendrils falling around her face. Her lips are painted a soft pink and she’s holding a bouquet of white flowers wrapped in ribbon that matches her dress.

I suck in a breath through my nose, trying to rationalize the way my heart picks up speed at the sight of her.

“Hey.” She smiles, stopping directly in front of me.

“Hey.” It comes out funny and I immediately clear my throat. “You look beautiful,” I tell her, gesturing to the dress.

“Thank you.” Her cheeks turn scarlet and she looks away for a long moment before her eyes come back to mine. “You look handsome,” she returns.

“Thanks. Just something I had lying around,” I joke, sliding my hands down the front of my tuxedo jacket. “You ready for this?” I add, offering her my arm as the first couple enters the church and begins making their way down the aisle.

“As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” She slides her arm through mine and turns her focus forward.

“You seem nervous,” I whisper, leaning my lips close to her ear.

I don’t miss the way she shivers when my breath dances across the side of her neck.

“Iamnervous,” she whispers back, not looking at me.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got you,” I tell her, straightening my posture as we move toward the door.

“Just don’t let me fall.” She looks up at me for a brief moment.

“Never.” I smile.

“Abel. Peyton. Go,” Heather cues us and side by side we step through the doors.

Peyton’s arm tightens around mine and I have to resist the urge to laugh at how nervous she is. But I get it. Most people don’t like having hundreds of eyes on them. Me on the other hand, I’m used to it. It kind of comes with the territory when you play music for a living.