Page 50 of Ten Hours

Chapter Sixteen



Nick: Chuck thinkshe may have tracked down your mystery girl.

I reread the text message ten times before my fingers move across the screen.

Me: He did? Where?

I have to retype the last word three times because my hands are shaking so bad I keep hitting the wrong letters.

I watch as dots begin to blink across the screen, indicating that he’s texting back, but the dots disappear and my anxiousness goes from a five to a ten, instantly.

It’s been two weeks since the night I spent with Finley. Two weeks since I let her walk out of my life. When Chuck never reached out I assumed he came up empty, much like I have.

I’ve looked everywhere for her. Hell, I’ve even gone as far as to ask if a Finley workshereat every restaurant I’ve eaten at between then and now. It’s pathetic, really. My inability to let this girl go. But try as I may, I can’t.

Dots pop back up along the screen and I hold my breath, waiting to see what his response will be.

Nick: There’s a Finley that worked at Mitchell’s up until two weeks ago.

Me: Two weeks ago?

Nick: Chuck called and confirmed with one of the managers. He wouldn’t tell him anything other than she no longer works there.

My heart begins to pound erratically as I type out a response.

Me: Did he happen to get a last name?

Nick: Roberts.

Roberts... I have to stop myself from leaping out of my chair in excitement.

Me: Anything else?

Nick: Not yet.

Me: So what’s next?

Nick: Chuck said he’ll run her name through the state database and see if anything pops up, but it’ll probably take some time.

Another line of dots fill the screen as he immediately starts typing another message.

Nick: I gave Chuck your number so he can contact you directly if he finds anything. He’s also going to expect to be compensated.

Me: I don’t care what it cost.

Nick: Must be some girl.

I smile.

Me: She is.

I drop my phone onto the table and run through everything I just learned.

“Finley Roberts,” I try the name out on my lips.