Page 100 of Ten Hours

“Oh my god, Fin.” Clairebursts into the small curtained off area of the emergency room. “Are you okay?” Within seconds she has her arms wrapped around me in a tight hug. “I was so worried.”

“I’m fine, really,” I reassure her, shaking off her embrace. “I don’t even know why I’m here.” I gesture around the room.

After Heather called Claire, she immediately called an ambulance. I guess my sister gave her specific instructions and my friend did not hesitate to do exactly as my sister told her to. Even though I felt like it was a wasted trip, I obliged because I knew Claire wouldn’t be satisfied until I was given the all clear by a doctor.

In truth, I was really too out of it to argue. I felt fine leading up to the incident but since, I don’t know, something has felt off.

“You’re not fine. You passed out!” she exclaims, taking both of my hands and lifting them up as her eyes give me a thorough once over.

“I probably didn’t get enough to eat or something. I didn’t have much of an appetite this morning.” I make the only excuse that I can stomach right now.

“Abel is on his way,” she tells me, releasing my hands.

“You called Abel?” I bite, instantly irritated.

“Of course I did. You passed out!”

“I know I did. But you shouldn’t have called him. It’s probably nothing and everyone is getting all worked up for no reason.”

“Sis, you have cancer. Or maybe you don’t anymore. Regardless, you’re still not a hundred percent. Things like passing outarea big deal in your situation.” She plops down on the side of the bed, her body angled toward me. “Have you seen the doctor yet?”

“They took me back for a couple scans and drew some blood as soon as I got here.”

“Well, at least they aren’t dragging their feet.” She blows out a breath.

“The ER doctor said they are going to consult with my oncologist as soon as they have my results back. Until then I guess I’m stuck here.”

“This is the best place for you until we know everything is okay.”

“I’m sorry I scared you,” I say, realizing the concern etched into every feature of my sister’s face.

“Don’t be sorry. I justneedto know that everything is okay.” She gives me a tight smile, wrapping her fingers around my hand.

It seems like only moments pass before Abel comes bursting through the curtain, his panicked gaze finding me in an instant.

“Thank god.” He lets out a relieved sigh as he crosses the small space toward me. “Are you okay? Claire told me what happened.” He takes my other hand before dropping a kiss to my forehead.

“I’m fine. I just got a little light headed is all. Probably because I haven’t eaten today.” I give him the same excuse I gave my sister.

“What are the doctors saying?” he asks Claire instead of me.

She quickly recounts everything I just told her, the two talking as if I’m not sitting between them.

“Why didn’t you call me the second it happened?” Abel’s gaze swings back to me.

“Because I didn’t want to worry you over nothing.”


“I passed out. I know.” I sigh audibly. “But I’m telling you, I’m fine.” My gaze bounces between him and my sister.

“Well I’m not leaving until I hear a doctor say those words.” He squeezes my hand, worry evident behind his brilliant blue eyes.

“I think I’m gonna track down a nurse and see if I can get you something to eat,” Claire says, standing.

I know my sister and sitting around waiting is not her forte. She needs to be up doing something, otherwise she’ll drive herself crazy.

“I’ll be right back.” She offers Abel a nod before she disappears behind the curtain.