Page 84 of Tequila Burn

Chapter Twenty-nine


“James, you’re on in two,” one of the stage crew announces through the open door of my makeshift dressing room.

I offer a nod without looking up, the familiar weight settling on my chest that I’ve gotten every time I’ve taken the stage over the past couple of months. I used to love the fucking stage. It was my home. The one place I wanted to stay forever. Now it’s like a burning room I can’t seem to find my way out of.

Pushing out of my chair, I slide my cap backward onto my head before slowly making my way out of the room and up the walkway to the back of the stage.

While the tour wrapped a few weeks ago, Jerry booked me to perform at four different festival shows between May and August. This is the second one I’ve done so far.

“You good?” Colton nods at me as I approach.

“Just ready to get this over with,” I grumble, stopping next to him right off the side of the stage.

“Try to have some fun, yeah?”

“I’m going to play Tequila Burn tonight,” I tell him, not missing the disapproval that crosses his face.

“Jerry specifically told you that you can’t have it as your next single.”

“Well then I guess I’ll have to force his hand.” I offer him a wide smile. “Because I say it will be my next single.”

The lights on the stage go dark moments before the band runs out, taking their places behind their instruments.

“Do you ever do anything they tell you?”

“Tried playing their game once. From now on, I do what I want to do. They can either get on board or let me go. I’m sure another label would be more than happy to pick me up.” I shrug like I couldn’t care less either way.

“Tequila Burn it is.” Colton nods in agreement. “Now go fucking slay it.”

The words have barely left his mouth before I’m running onto the stage, the roar of the crowd drowning out everything else.