Page 72 of Tequila Burn

Chapter Twenty-five


“What time do you thinkyou’ll leave in the morning?” I ask, tossing a couple outfits into my carry-on duffel bag.

“The bus will be parked for the night since the next show is only three hours north. I can’t see them leaving until nine or ten at the earliest.” Colton pauses. “What time will your flight be in?”

After spending last weekend with Hudson, I decided that I need more. More time. More him. More everything. Fast forward to an hour ago when I decided to fly to Colorado where Hudson has two shows this weekend. One tonight and one tomorrow night. I won’t make tonight’s show as the earliest flight I could get won’t land until seven in the morning, but I’ll get to see Saturday’s show and hopefully get to spend a few hours with him beforehand.

“I’m scheduled to land around seven. I’m going to take an Uber to the bus. Can you send me the address where they’ll be parked.”

“Already emailed.”

“You’re a rockstar.”

“Actually, I’m a country star’s bitch but who’s keeping track?” He chuckles.

“You are not his bitch.” I laugh, grabbing my toiletry bag from the bed before tossing it into my duffel. “Now, promise you won’t tell him. Not a word.”

“Cross my heart,” he says and I can practically see him making an X with his finger across his chest.

“You’re the best.”

“I know.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Thank you again, Colton.”

“Safe travels. And anytime.”

I toss my cell on top of the bed the instant the line goes dead, looking around to make sure I have everything packed. I don’t have to be at the airport for a few more hours but I have a couple errands I need to run before I leave so I want to make sure I have everything together before I head out.

Picking my phone back up, I consider calling Hudson to tell him my plans but I quickly talk myself out of it. I set out to surprise him and damn it I’m going to do just that.

Shoving the device into my pocket, I grab my bag off the bed and make my way into the kitchen. Like so many times before, I stop and take in the incredible view of the ocean. I don’t think I’ll ever look out at the white sand and crisp blue water without thinking of Hudson. He’s tied to so many things that existed before him but somehow held no real meaning until he came along.

It’s hard to think about how much has changed in less than a year. Had someone told me this time last year this is where I’d be I probably would have laughed hysterically in their face. Now, I can’t imagine things turning out any different.

I never dreamed I would meet a man like Hudson. Or that I’d find him again. Back then he was just some fantasy. A memory I glamourized to convince myself that it was possible to feel that way about another person. Now I know it was real from the beginning. From that very first night, from the moment he smiled at me, I knew. I knew this man was going to change everything.


It’s almost eight bythe time I make it to the address Colton sent me. I spot Hudson’s bus as we round the corner and I instruct the Uber driver to drop me off at the curb.

As I climb from the car, a light breeze whips around me, feeling amazing on my heated skin. Adjusting my bag onto my shoulder, I quickly cross the parking lot and slip between the two busses that are parked side by side.

I was a mix of nervous and excited, so I couldn’t sleep a wink on the plane, yet somehow I don’t feel even a little bit tired despite the fact that I’ve been up over twenty-four hours straight.

Reaching up, I gently wrap on the bus door. Seconds later the door slides open and I look up to see Zeke, Hudson’s drummer, standing shirtless at the top of the stairs.

“Hey, did I wake you?” I climb up, dropping my bag next to the small table in the common area, my mind instantly going back to last weekend when Hudson had me pressed over it as he drove into me from behind.

“Nah, been awake a while.” He scratches his bald head before collapsing down on what can only be described as a couch but is really nothing more than a glorified bench.

“Hudson sleeping?” I gesture toward the back of the bus.

“I don’t think he’s here.”

“He’s not here?” I question, trying to mask my confusion.